Gas Monitoring Systems for Underground Mining

kristian Gas Monitor, Underground Mining
Gas Monitoring Systems for Underground Mining

Gas Monitoring Systems are a crucial tool in underground Mining. By measuring the level of gases, both in and outside the building, from various sources, it is possible to ensure the safety of miners by keeping them informed about the presence of dangerous gases. In addition, these systems can be used to monitor the ventilation system in the mine, making sure that there is no build-up of dangerous gases. 

There are many different types of gas monitoring systems available on the market, each designed to measure different gases. The most common type of system is the multi-gas monitor, which can measure methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These monitors are typically installed on-site by plant managers or contractors. 

Another type of gas monitoring system is the single-gas monitor. These monitors are designed to measure only one type of gas, such as methane (CH4) or carbon dioxide (CO2). Single-gas monitors are typically used in mines where there is only a risk of one type of gas buildup. 

Why Are Gas Monitoring Systems Important?

Methane is the primary component of natural gas and is often found in mines. Methane is highly combustible and can be explosive if it builds up in a confined space. Carbon dioxide is another gas that is often found in mines. Carbon dioxide is not combustible, but it can displace oxygen in the air, causing asphyxiation. 

Buildups of these gases can be extremely dangerous to miners. That is why it is important to have a gas monitoring system in place. By constantly measuring the levels of these gases, the system can provide early warning of a buildup and allow miners to take precautions to avoid danger. 

Why You Need Reliable Equipment When Underground Mining

No matter what type of gas monitor is used, it is important that it is regularly calibrated to ensure accuracy. Gas monitoring systems are an important part of keeping miners safe and ensuring that the ventilation system in a mine is working properly.

Our equipment is quality-checked and comes with a series of built-in testing components that can ensure the device is powered up and ready for use. We work in the mining industry worldwide and we have developed and produced gas monitoring systems that can work in the most hostile environments on earth. 

Why The Smartsense SSFM 100 Gas Monitor Is An Excellent Choice

An affordable and efficient technique for staff who work in a small space to measure chemicals in the air is the SmartSense® Fixed Monitor SSFM-100 gas monitoring system.

You can reduce the time to detect hazardous levels of chemical gas exposure by up to 90% with SmartSense®. The SSFM-100 includes Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology that sends information to your compatible device allowing you to view it from anywhere.

This system is excellent for monitoring the levels of methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the air underground. This is the one of the best gas monitoring systems for underground mining on the market!

If you would like to learn more about the SmartSense® Fixed Monitor SSFM-100 gas monitoring system, or any of our other products at Becker WholeSale Mine Supply, please contact us today. We would be happy to discuss your specific needs and provide you with a custom quote.

How Does Radio Communication In Tunnels Work?

kristian Leaky Feeder Systems, Mining Communication, Underground Communication
Communication In Tunnels

Radio communications in tunnels work slightly differently than any other form of communication throughout work sites worldwide.  The main difference is that the radio waves have to travel through very dense materials, such as concrete and metal, in order to reach the other person. In order for the signal to be strong enough to make it through these materials, a different type of antenna is needed. The most common type of antenna used for radio communication in tunnels is a whip antenna. This type of antenna is able to send and receive radio signals through the dense materials and allow for clear communication between people. 

Another difference in radio communication in tunnels is the power output. The power output has to be much higher in order to make it through the materials. This means that the battery life will be shorter, but it is still possible to communicate through a radio in a tunnel. 

Why Do We Need To Maintain Communication In Tunnels

Tunnel radio communication is an important part of keeping people safe while they are working in these dangerous environments. It is essential that all workers have a clear and reliable way to communicate with each other in order to make sure that everyone is safe. 

Having a radio system in place can help to make sure that all workers are able to stay in contact with each other and that they can coordinate their efforts in case of an emergency. 

In addition to safety, radio communication in tunnels is also important for coordinating traffic. When there is a lot of traffic going through a tunnel, it is important to be able to coordinate the traffic so that everyone can get where they need to go without any accidents. 

Radio communication can also be used to provide information about the construction or other work that is going on in the tunnel. This can be important for people who are traveling through the tunnel so that they can avoid any areas that might be dangerous. 

How Does Radio Communications In a Underground Tunnel Work?

The way that radio communication in a tunnel works is by using a system of low-power transmitters that are positioned throughout the entire tunnel. Each transmitter has a specific range for which it will broadcast its signal. They will overlap one another so that people can be reached throughout the tunnel. 

Tunnel workers can talk to one another through walkie-talkies or cell phones. They usually have a base station on their person that can be used to keep in contact with the tunnel’s main system. 

The base station is typically a portable radio that has been specifically designed for use in tunnels. It is important to have a radio that is able to transmit its signal through the materials in the tunnels. 

Smartcom Leaky Feeder System

The SMARTCOM 100 LEAKY FEEDER SYSTEM is a system that uses low-power transmitters to communicate with people who are working in tunnels. It is specifically designed for use in these environments. 

The system comes with two wireless devices, one for the helmet and one for the wrist. These devices allow for clear communication between people who are working in the tunnel. 

In addition to the two wireless devices, the SMARTCOM 100 LEAKY FEEDER SYSTEM also comes with a handheld device. This device can be used to communicate with the surface by using a signal that is transferred through the transmitter. 

If you would like to learn more about our communication system contact us today at Becker Communications for more information!

Single Gas Monitor By Becker Varis

kristian Gas Monitor, Underground Mining
Single Gas Monitor By Becker Varis

Looking for a reliable and durable gas monitor? Look no further than the Single Gas Monitor by Becker Varis. This top-of-the-line gas monitor is designed to withstand even the most challenging environments, making it ideal for use in industrial settings. With its field-proven performance, you can rest assured that the Single Gas Monitor will provide accurate and reliable readings. 


The Single Gas Monitor is available in two versions – with an on-board sensor to provide an all-in-one environmental monitoring solution, or as a display module to provide quick access to real-time data. Further system expansion is available through the optional external input/output ports for both versions of the terminal module. 


The Single Gas Monitor is also notable for its modular architecture; robust multi-gas monitoring systems can be customized by adding up to six SSSG-100 Sensor Modules that stack easily and neatly together. Hot-swap capability allows for quick and easy sensor replacement in the event of a failure. 


 The SSSG-100 Alarm Module allows for extra safety with its wide viewing angle Red-Amber-Green visual warning system, and a 100 dBa audible alarm. 


The device functions as a true black box for your monitoring system, storing critical information such as Calibration and Alarm History, and data logging for post-accident investigation. These tools are crucial for preventing accidents in the future, improving the safety of your mining site, and ensuring the best quality future for your mining operations. Having this extra data set is very useful for keeping your employees safe and for preventing accidents across all of your mining operations. 


Fully programmable set points allow you to tailor the SSSG-100’s alarms to your specific needs, while the large LCD display provides visual confirmation of gas concentrations in real time. 


Becker Varis’s smartsense® technology ensures that the Single Gas Monitor is always operating at peak performance, with self-diagnostics and status indications to provide peace of mind. 


We inspect all of these monitors prior to shipping so that we can ensure the best quality of results for our clients. We  know that you need accurate readings in order to make informed decisions about the safety of your mining operations, and we are dedicated to providing you with the best products on the market. 


We also guarantee our devices and provide customer service through our phone line. We want to ensure that you can get the very best in responses for your gas monitoring and support.  


You can trust that the Single Gas Monitor by Becker Varis is a top-of-the-line product that will serve you well in all of your industrial applications. We have purpose-built this monitor to serve the mining industry and in heavy equipment applications. It is one of the most durable and sophisticated on the market. 


If you are looking for a reliable and easy-to-use gas monitor, the Single Gas Monitor by Becker Varis is a perfect choice. Contact us today to learn more about the Single Gas Monitor by Becker Varis, or to purchase a unit, please visit our website today.

All About Becker Communications

kristian Mining Communication
All About Becker Communications

Becker Communications began with our company, Becker Mining. We found a need in the industry for a company that could specialize in mining communications equipment. With the nature of this market changing constantly, there was a need for a company that could keep up and offer the best mining communications tools on the market.

This is how Becker Communications was born – a company that would be known for its dedication to providing top-of-the-line mining communications products and services.

Becker Communications is proud to offer a wide range of mining communications products and services, including two-way radios, miner tracking systems, wireless LAN solutions, and more. We are constantly expanding our product offerings to meet the ever-changing needs of our customers.

In addition to our wide range of products, we also offer a variety of services to complement our offerings. These services include system design and integration, on-site support, project management, and more. Our team of experts is always available to provide assistance and advice, ensuring that our customers are always satisfied.

We started from our headquarters in Friedrichsthal Germany and today we work worldwide. With 1500 mining employees working across the world, we have subsidiaries in Australia, the USA, Canada, Mexico, Chile, Russia, China, South Africa and Poland.

Our communications business is divided into two segments: Electrical and Mechanical.

The electrical sector is made up of three product divisions: energy distribution, automation, and communication. Underground energy supply is essential in mining. Becker Mining Systems offers complete, customized energy infrastructure solutions that provide the maximum output under the most demanding situations. Due to a modular technology developed by Becker, transformers and switchgear can be handled readily and rapidly because they are lighter and easier to transport.

As the global mining industry continues to automate, Becker Mining Systems is at the forefront of this trend with our cutting-edge automation solutions. We offer a comprehensive range of products and services for all aspects of Automation in the mining industry, including process control, safety, and security systems, trackless vehicle management, and more.

Becker Mining Systems offers a wide range of mechanical goods. Becker Mining Systems has been developing transportation systems for men and materials underground since its inception. Men, material, and equipment may be moved quickly and securely even to the most remote regions of the mine using both individual solutions and comprehensive systems. The technology is characterized by the fact that it can transport heavy loads with autonomy and improve efficiency in any mining site.

Becker Communications is committed to providing the best possible products and services to our customers. We are constantly expanding our offerings to meet the ever-changing needs of the mining industry. With our dedication to customer service and our commitment to quality, we can provide fast responses and hands-on support worldwide. We have been expanding since the 1980s to offer more to the mining industry and we are excited about the future.

We are committed to providing the best possible experience for our customers. We offer a wide range of products and services to meet your needs, and our team is always available to provide assistance and advice. Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you.

How Is Radio Communication Used In Tunnels?

kristian Leaky Feeder Systems, Mining Communication, Underground Communication
Radio Communication Used In Tunnels

Maintaining communication in tunnel systems is a crucial safety measure. Radio communication is used in tunnels to keep people safe by allowing them to communicate with others in the area. This is made possible by low-power transmitters that are positioned throughout the entire tunnel system. The transmitters will overlap one another so that people can be reached throughout the tunnel. Leaky feeder systems are the best communication lines for underground mines and will allow those in the mining site to catch signals and maintain communication. 


Radio communication through leaky feeder systems is maintained via a regular walkie-talkie device. Communications through this system include abilities to signal, talk, send data, and more. The radio communication using this system can cut out any interference from machines or other environmental factors. This system is also resistant to water and dust, making it a great option for use in tunnels. Tunnels pose unique challenges for maintaining communication, but with the help of low-power transmitters and leaky feeder systems, people can safely communicate in these areas.


Leaky feeder systems can also come with improvements to safety equipment. These communication systems can come with the ability to perform gas monitoring, track equipment, and employees, and oversee more of the mining operation. Leaky feeder systems provide an important means of communication in a hazardous environment, and they continue to play a vital role in the safety of those working in tunnels.


Radio communication is an important part of tunnel safety and should always be taken into consideration when creating a communications network for a mining site or underground operation. 


Communications can take place through a wrist-style communicator, hands-free microphone as well as a traditional style walkie-talkie. Multiple options for signaling and talking ensure that any operator can provide immediate feedback as needed. 


With the challenges that come with radio communication in tunnels, it is important to have a variety of devices and systems in place so that people can always stay connected. Leaky feeder systems provide an excellent way for people to communicate in these difficult environments and help keep everyone safe.


Maintaining tunnel communications is essential to working in any mine site and ensuring the best quality of efficiency throughout the mining site as well. By understanding how radio communication works in tunnels, we can make the most of this important safety measure.


If you are interested in working with a company that can provide you with the best in communication support and top-quality leaky feeder system integration, we are here to help. Becker Mining Communications uses the latest in Kenwood radio devices and purpose-built integration throughout a leaky feeder system. We can provide you with the safety and communication you need to keep your operation running smoothly. For more information, please contact us today.

The Features of A Becker Varis VHF Leaky Feeder System

kristian Leaky Feeder Systems, Mining Communication, Product Review, Underground Communication, Underground Mining
The Features of A Becker Varis VHF Leaky Feeder System

The Becker Varis VHF leaky feeder system is the perfect solution for your mine and budget. This system provides simultaneous voice and data, with 30 MHZ bandwidth and local diagnostic support. It also offers robust performance and the ability to maintain a mobile data connection, making it easy to collaborate with others while on site. Plus, our team can work with you to create a custom system that fits your specific needs. 


A premium VHF leaky feeder system can enhance your abilities in a mining site. These solutions can provide a number of unique advantages for underground mining including:


  • Improved communication – With a clear and consistent connection, teams can communicate effectively and collaborate more easily. This can lead to a safer, more productive work environment. 


  • Improved safety-  A good communication system can help you avoid dangerous situations and respond quickly to emergencies. 


  • Easier tracking – Equipment and employees can be easily located with a VHF leaky feeder system. This makes it simpler to keep track of personnel and assets in a large and complex mining operation. 


  • Easier diagnostics – When something goes wrong with the equipment, it can be difficult to determine the source of the issue. A VHF leaky feeder system can make diagnostics simpler, so issues can be resolved more quickly. 


  • Easier collaboration with data sharing- Often, data needs to be shared between different teams in a mining operation. A VHF leaky feeder system can make this process easier and faster, so tasks can be completed more efficiently. 


When it comes to choosing a VHF leaky feeder system for your mine, it is important to consider all of your needs and requirements. We can custom-build VHF leaky feeder systems that can handle the needs of your mining site and offer you the best results for your organization. We want to ensure you can keep flawless communications and improve safety and productivity in your mine. 


Our industry-leading technology offers some of the clearest communications and signals quality. We work with some of the world’s largest mining sites and we are proud of the relationships that we have built so far in this industry. 


With our local diagnostics and troubleshooting, you can have an easy solution for keeping your system updated as well as recognizing any causes for concern along the line. Save time in repairs and get the best in technology for your organization with us. Our lines are extremely durable and also highly adaptive, so we can work with you to create a perfect system for your mine. With 30 MHZ bandwidth and simultaneous voice and data, you can’t go wrong with the Becker Varis VHF leaky feeder system


For these and other reasons, a Varis VHF leaky feeder system can be a valuable addition to any mining operation. To learn more about the benefits of this technology, contact our team, Becker Whole Sale Mine Supply!

Wearable Gas Monitoring Devices

kristian Gas Monitor, Product Review
Wearable Gas Monitoring Devices

One of the most essential pieces of modern safety equipment in mining sites is a gas monitoring system.  This system is used to measure the levels of gases, both in and outside the building, from various sources. Gas monitoring devices can detect leaks and provide alerts immediately, which could prevent an accident or fatality. Becker Communications offers the best wearable gas monitoring devices on the market with our SmartSense® Fixed Monitor SSFM-100. This gas monitoring system is affordable, durable, and delivers immediate notifications. 

How Does a Gas Monitoring System Work?

The gas monitoring system typically consists of three parts: the sensors, the monitor, and the alarm. The sensors are placed in different areas where gasses could potentially leak, such as near compressor stations or along pipelines. The monitor collects the data from the sensors and displays it on a screen. If there is a gas leak, an alarm will sound to warn the workers.

What Gasses Does a Gas Monitoring System Detect?

The most common gasses that are detected by a gas monitoring system are carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), methane (CH 4 ), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These gasses can be harmful if there is a large leak, so it is important to have a gas monitoring system in place to detect any leaks. 

Why Is a Gas Monitoring System Important?

A gas monitoring system is important because it can prevent accidents and fatalities. If there is a gas leak, the workers will be alerted immediately and can take action to prevent an accident from happening. Gas monitoring systems are essential for safety in mines and other industrial settings. 

How Do The Notifications Work?

Our system delivers an immediate alarm followed by proximity notifications to surrounding radios. The device also has a log of all alarms with date, time, and location. The logging can help with investigations and problem-solving.

With our SmartSense® Fixed Monitor SSFM-100, we provide the best gas monitoring system on the market. This gas monitoring system is cost-effective, long-lasting, and rapid in delivering notifications. The SmartSense® Fixed Monitor SSFM-100 gas measuring device from Becker Communications is a fixed device that provides continuous readings of your mining site.                                                                                        

Our wearable gas monitoring devices can be linked to the leaky feeder system to provide levels of alert throughout your tunnel and mining site. With the help of the gas monitoring system, you can keep your workers safe and your site running smoothly. The flexibility of a system that runs throughout the mining site will also ensure that people at multiple levels of a tunnel or mining site will be able to receive alerts.

If you are interested in learning more about this quality gas monitoring system, contact us today. We can show you how to properly outfit your mining site with the best safety technology.

Get In Touch

With over 30 years of experience in the mining industry, Becker Wholesale Mine Supply is committed to providing the highest quality products and services to our customers. Our gas monitor devices are no exception, as they are built to withstand harsh mining environments and provide accurate and reliable readings.

Investing in a gas monitor device from Becker Wholesale Mine Supply is a smart decision for any mining operation. Not only will it help ensure the safety of your workers, but it can also help you comply with industry regulations and avoid costly fines. Contact us today!

Products That We Offer


Kenwood Nexedge Digital Radio Systems

kristian Mining Communication, Product Review, Underground Communication, Underground Mining
Kenwood Nexedge Digital Radio

The Kenwood Nexedge digital radio is one of the most advanced two way radio systems available. It features emergency key and emergency call features as standard, along with GPS modules, lone worker, and emergency advanced motion detection function. It is proven in mining applications and meets the IP67 standard for dust intrusion and immersion. It is also capable of UHF operation from 400-520 MHz or VHF 136-174Mhz. With its sophisticated sound analysis and optimization technologies, the Kenwood Nexedge digital radio is perfect for any business or organization that needs a reliable, convenient, and effective means of communication.


We regularly integrate these communication devices into our radio network because of their proven reliability and because of the durability that they can offer to people throughout mining sites worldwide.  Many of our customers have found that the Kenwood Nexedge digital radios are a perfect fit for their specific needs and requirements. Thanks to their Active Noise Canceling technology, these radios can provide crystal clear communication even in the most challenging environments. If you’re looking for a top-of-the-line two way radio systems, then the Kenwood Nexedge Digital Radio offers a number of advantages for your mining site:


Better logistics: With superior communication capabilities, the Kenwood Nexedge digital radio can help improve the overall efficiency of your mining operation.


Safer work environments: By providing workers with clear and concise communication, you can help minimize the risk of accidents and injuries in the workplace.


Easier coordination: When everyone on the mining site is equipped with a Kenwood digital radio, communication becomes simpler and more streamlined, allowing for a more coordinated operation.


Faster response times: In the event of an emergency, having a two-way radio system that can quickly and easily connect you with the necessary personnel can be the difference between life and death.


Emergency alarms and optimized GPS for worker location:  The Kenwood Nexedge digital radio also features emergency alarms and optimized GPS for worker location. This can help you quickly and easily identify the location of any workers who may be in distress.


With so many advantages to offer, it’s no wonder that the Kenwood Nexedge digital radio is one of the most popular two way radios on the market today for underground mining.


We can integrate these digital radios into your leaky feeder system. If you are interested in upgrading your on-site communications,  please don’t hesitate to contact us today. We would be happy to discuss your specific needs and see how we can help you get the most out of your two-way radio system.


The Kenwood Nexedge digital radio is just one example of the type of two-way radios that we offer at our company. We have a wide range of products to choose from, and we can help you find the right solution for your specific needs. 


Contact us today to at Becker Wholesale Mine Supply and learn more about our two-way radio systems and how they can benefit your mining operation.

Communication By SMARTCOM

kristian Mining Communication, Underground Communication
communication by SMARTCOM

We speak your language, Here we talk about Becker Mining’s communication by SMARTCOM Solutions. It allows radio and data transmission throughout the mine.

Network Infrastructure

Becker Mining Systems offers extensive network infrastructure to underground mines. We offer a range of wireless and cabled solutions to meet your needs for voice and data transmission.

SmartCom Wi-Fi / Fibre Networks

High-speed data transfer to mobile devices and computers via wireless infrastructure opens up new possibilities for safety and productivity. It provides high-speed connectivity for many applications, including wireless VoIP and seamless roaming of client device (i.e. Mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops, advanced vehicular dispatch systems and industrial serial communication devices, process automation, and any other device that can use a wireless, fiber, or serial backbone.

Becker Mining Systems has developed a variety of Wi-Fi devices in response to increasing customer demand. The WRAP260 series is an upgrade to the WRAP250 series. It consists of electronic routers and switches that are intrinsically safe for connecting wireless terminal devices to an ethernet fiber-optic network. The WRAP260 series comprises wireless LAN routers as well as fiber optic switches that support 1 Gbit/s data rates. There are many options for switches and routers that can be used to meet different needs. These devices can transmit state-of the-art wireless technology into even the most hazardous areas of a mine. They are safe to operate in explosive areas (Levels of protection “ia”, IEC 60079, Category 1 ATEX), even if the power supply goes down. Dual band routers, the WRAP260 routers can communicate in both the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz frequency bands for less interference with other subscribers.

All WRAP260 routers are available with tagging & track functionality to integrate with RTLS systems. They can also be used as tag-readers on the UHF frequency band.

SmartCom Leaky Feeder Cable LFC Networks

SmartCom LFC systems offer seamless voice and data communications anywhere they are needed during a mining or tunneling operation. They also provide remote and local diagnostics. SmartCom LFC is available in VHF and UHF frequencies. It leads the industry in performance, reliability, and maintenance.

If you would like to learn more about options for communication in a mining or tunneling operation and communication by SMARTCOM Solutions, contact us today! Becker Whole Sale Mine Supply has what your Business needs!

Leaky Feeder Communication System For Your Business

kristian Leaky Feeder Systems, Mining Communication, Underground Communication
Leaky Feeder Communication

Leaky feeder communication systems are underground mining solutions that are used in tunnel environments. These systems are used to ensure optimal communication in any environment where traditional communication is difficult. A leaky feeder system will provide a cable run with titles that can receive radio waves and function like an antenna. Because the cable has gaps and slots along its outer conductor, it is susceptible to radio signals leaking out or leaking into the cable. The whole cable can be used as an antenna to transmit radio signals and provides a simple system for personnel to carry reportable transceivers.

The feeder picks up transmissions from receivers and carries them to other parts of the tunnel, as well as two-way communication. Although signal loss can occur along the feeder, it is typically at frequencies below 1 GHz. A series of repeaters placed along the network line ensures that there is a clear signal. This allows signals of all types to be transmitted along the lines with perfect clarity. Many antennas can be included in the system to provide higher frequencies of communication.

In the mining industry, leaky feeder communications are common. They are used to wirelessly communicate between miners. This system can be used to communicate with minors when the transceiver’s size is small enough that they can comfortably wear it throughout a shift. These systems can include headset communication, or even a small walkie talkie. This makes it easy to communicate in the tunnel, as well as in industrial communications. They can be used to communicate with everything, from mining sites to industrial buildings. Even in the most hostile environments, signals can still be booted with coordination of repeaters and antennas.

Today’s leaky feeders are more likely to contain piddling communications for underground networks that are in the New York subways and London tunnel systems. The features have been modified with radio frequency identifying data and metallic strips. This can be used to monitor and repair the network, as well as inventory various tools used at industrial and mining sites. Companies are using these types of innovations to Leaky feeders to increase efficiency and quality of communication across industrial sites around the world.

Contact us today to find out more about leaky feeders for your business. For decades, we have established radio communication systems for large industrial sites and leaky feeder communications systems. We’re ready to implement new systems that will improve safety at your mine site.