VHF Monitoring System Underground Communication

kristian Mining Communication, Underground Communication
VHF Monitoring System Underground Communication

Reliable and low-maintenance communication solutions in any mining site are a must. Many modern mines now require the use of  VHF Monitoring System Underground Communication from Becker Mining.


These tools can be extremely useful for reliable and low-maintenance communication as well as data network control. Leaky feeder systems have become the norm in many mining sites. They are often used in conjunction with other communication systems. With these underground mining communication tools, it is possible to easily upload data for big data solutions in a mine as well as keep the lines of communication open for various alarms, signaling, and more. 


This system offers a variety of benefits that make it perfect for use in any number of settings, including:


30MHz bandwidth – The VHF underground communication system offers a wide bandwidth that can be used to support a variety of different applications. This signal also ensures that multiple lines of communication can be open on separate channels at the same time. 


RF gain – With an impressive RF gain of up to 10dB, the VHF Monitoring System ensures that you can always communicate clearly and effectively. Becker offers industry-leading RF game on one main signal channel for this product putting it well ahead of the competition.


Local diagnostics – The system also features local diagnostics, which allow you to quickly and easily troubleshoot any issues that may arise. Low maintenance communications are a must for any mining site and with the self-diagnostic solutions available from Becker it becomes much easier to self regulate communications and spot the signs of problems when they occur.


No return pilot – Perhaps most importantly, the VHF Monitoring System does not require a return pilot, meaning that it can be used in any location without the need for line-of-sight.  These are communication system that can integrate into nearly any mining site and offer the fastest forms of safety features for your mine. 


Telemetry data for automation makes this a system that can easily control items like collision detection, pump stations, and other devices. These are all essential to a well-run mining operation.


With a product design that is created to minimize interference and a system that can offer highly robust solutions for your mining site, this is a VHF system that will integrate into your current mining site with ease and offer simple communication structures for your use. 


VHF amplifier can also make sure that the entire system can be easily scaled. By integrating an amplifier into the system, you can make sure that the system can be used to support a wide range of applications. The VHF Monitoring System is a versatile tool that can be used in any number of settings. When it comes to reliable and low maintenance communication, this product from Becker is the perfect solution. 


All of these features make the VHF Monitoring System an ideal choice for use in any mining setting. If you need a reliable and low-maintenance communication solution, this is the system for you. Contact us today at Becker Wholesale Mine Supply to learn more!

Leaky Feeder Amplifier by Becker

kristian Leaky Feeder Systems, Mining Communication, Product Review, Underground Communication
Leaky Feeder Amplifier

Any underground mine is bound to need extensive requirements for its communications. One of the most modern systems for mining communications is the UHF and VHF leaky feeder systems. In order to strengthen connections for voice and data networks across this system, the regular use of leaky feeder amplifiers is put into mining environments to maximize signal retention and improve the quality of the system. Becker produces some of the world’s finest leaky feeder amplifiers and UHF line amplifiers in the mining industry. Keep reading to learn more about the Leaky Feeder Amplifier by Becker!

Why Are These Systems So Crucial?

Installed properly, these amplifiers will enhance communications for both voice and data systems in your mining operation. This can include providing more than 64 channels that are free from any third-order intermodulation products as well as Ethernet connections that can provide up to 200mbps speeds. 

Becker’s leaky feeder amplifiers also come with Local/Remote Diagnostics, automatic gain control (AGC), and Return Pilot noise buildup protection which is essential for a durable and reliable amplifier.

For a UHF or VHF leaky feeder system to function correctly, it is essential that the right equipment is installed and maintained properly. This is where Becker’s amplifiers can be incredibly useful for mining communications. By maximizing signal retention and improving the quality of the system, these amplifiers can keep your operation running smoothly.

The amplifier can not only reduce maintenance cost but they can ensure that the team inside your mining site remains safe by eliminating the chance for signal disruption. When placed at the correct  location, these amplifiers will also reduce noise to help improve the overall quality of your voice and data communications.

Leaky Feeder Amplifier

How Does the Local/Remote Diagnostics Feature Work and What Are the Advantages of Having an Automatic Gain Control (AGC)?

The Local/Remote Diagnostics feature of Becker’s leaky feeder amplifiers allows users to monitor and diagnose the amplifier’s performance in real time. This feature enables the user to identify any potential issues or malfunctions. It can be accessed locally or remotely via a computer or other device.

By utilizing the Local/Remote Diagnostics feature, users can quickly identify and troubleshoot any issues with the amplifier, reducing downtime and maintenance costs. This feature can also help prevent catastrophic failures that could lead to safety hazards or equipment damage.

The AGC feature is designed to maintain a constant signal level in the system. The AGC monitors the strength of the incoming signal and adjusts the amplification of the signal to maintain a consistent output level. This ensures that the signal strength is maintained at an optimal level for communication and minimizes the risk of signal distortion or dropout.

The advantages of having an AGC include:

  • Improved signal quality
  • Reduced interference
  • Ability to operate the system at a higher power without risking signal overload

With an AGC in place, the system can handle variations in signal strength and maintain consistent communication, even in challenging environments.

Leaky Feeder Amplifier

Highly Useful For Data Networks And Big Data In Mining

So many mines today are employing various sensor technology and big data solutions to keep track of efficiency and safety in their mining sites.  This data is then used to produce actionable intelligence that can be used to make better decisions.

A UHF or VHF leaky feeder system is the perfect platform for this big data due to its ability to carry large amounts of information quickly and efficiently. By using Becker’s amplifiers, you can ensure that your data network runs smoothly and that you are able to make the most of your big data solutions.

In conclusion, installing a UHF or VHF leaky feeder system in your mine is an essential part of modern communications. This system will allow you to carry large amounts of data quickly and efficiently, which is essential for big data solutions. In order to maximize the signal retention and quality of your system, it is essential that you use the right equipment. Becker’s amplifiers are some of the best in the business and can help you keep your operation running smoothly.

Get In Touch

If you’d like to learn more about using the Leaky Feeder Amplifier in your mining operation, please contact us today. We would be happy to answer any questions you may have about our products and services. Becker Wholesale Mine Supply is here to help you!

Underground Communication: Smartcom

kristian Mining, Mining Communication, Underground Communication
Underground Communication: Smartcom

Leaky feeder systems have become a true standard for underground mining applications across the world. These networks are extremely useful for promoting crystal-clear communication and data transfer in some of the most hostile environments on  Earth. Underground communication with a leaky feeder system integrates easily into a mining site and can promote quality communication for safety and efficiency in these businesses. Keep reading to learn more about the Becker smartcom UHF.


The Becker smartcom UHF-H07-XX head end is the link between base station equipment and the Becker smartcom 450 leaky feeder network. The head end includes a downstream pilot and bi-directional remote diagnosis, which are backward compatible with legacy systems. For systems using European or North American frequency bands, the UHF-H07 head end is available with 12VDC (standard), 24VDC, or 36VDC output.


To improve the strength of the signal in these leaky feeder systems we use a series of amplifiers. The Becker 450 Smartom amp is a tool that can be placed at 350 m spacing to provide better signal strength for data networks as well as voice networks.  This amplifier can be used at the end of the feeder to achieve better coverage across the mine and improved levels of signal transfer. 


Controllers are often used in leaky feeder system to regulate the signal path and to provide self-diagnosis at each level of the leaky feeder system. These controllers can coordinate with a main control booth or on-site command post to provide immediate alerts at the first signs of trouble as well as maintenance alerts for the upkeep of the system. 


Ethernet controllers are designed to massively improve the rate of signal transfer and to monitor the condition of the the the network across a mining site. Becker mining ethernet controllers are designed to provide alerts on the leaky feeder system at the first sign of data transfer issues and to ensure that big data networks can be maintained.


Various additional controllers that Becker mining can include will cut down on signal interference as well as maximize the overall strength of your network to a considerable degree. By troubleshooting your VHF or UHF leaky feeder line with the engineers at Becker, you can get just the requirements that are necessary for your design and the best quality of communication techniques for your mining site. Becker mining experts are always available for customer support and they can help you with integration or outfitting your mine with the best new technology for safety and efficiency in your industry. 


Having these controllers in place keeps a better system uptime and  helps to improve the efficiency of communication across a mining site. Becker Mining smartcom systems are designed for safety, quality, and efficiency in mind. When it comes to leaky feeder systems, Becker is a name you can trust.


If you have any questions about the Becker smartcom, please contact us. Our team at Becker Wholesale mine supply would be happy to discuss your specific needs and help you find the best solution for your business.

Gas Monitoring For Underground Mining

kristian Gas Monitor, Mining, Underground Mining
Gas Monitoring Underground

Gas monitoring for Underground mining has been an essential part of the mining industry since the early days of mining. Long gone are the days of canaries in coal mines. These days, gas monitoring is a critical part of mining operations, and the stakes are high. A gas leak can be catastrophic, leading to loss of life, damage to equipment, and interruption of operations.

Becker Mining Systems’ smartsense® line is a comprehensive solution for gas monitoring in mining operations. The smartsense® line includes a variety of sensors, controllers, and software that work together to provide real-time data on gas concentrations in the air. The system is designed to be scalable, so it can be tailored to the specific needs of any mining operation.

The most popular solution in many modern mines today is the use of a single gas monitoring device. These small and compact instruments are instantly compatible in your mining site and there’s no need for complex programming or troublesome calibration. The integrated device is very reliable and low-maintenance due to its design according to strict international standards.

The smartsense® line of products has been designed specifically for the needs of the modern mine. Atmospheric and environmental monitoring is a critical part of mining operations, and the smartsense® line offers a comprehensive solution a handheld and wireless module. 

These devices can run on the VHF and UHF line as well as provide data transfer support for fast alerts to your control center. Having these handheld options is fantastic but when they automatically log and come with many of the tools that you expect to find in a more sophisticated sensor-based system, it is a no-brainer to seek out one of these systems to quickly integrate into your mine. 

These wireless devices can easily connect with the current communication systems that you have in place and they are also available to work in some of the most hostile environments across your mining site. If you have areas where it would typically be difficult to monitor, this is an easy device that you could use attached to equipment or  in other places that might be hard to get to.

Expansion models are available and there are other devices that can also link alongside the gas monitoring tool. With an easy-to-read screen as well as advanced reporting for your gas monitoring needs, these are  the most popular models on the market. 

The SSFM-100 from the smartsense® line is one of the most advanced handheld atmospheric monitors that is currently available. It’s a great choice for those who want an all-in-one solution for their gas monitoring needs. The device is rugged and durable, and it’s been designed for use in even the most hostile environments. With a variety of features and an easy-to-use interface, the SSFM-100 is the perfect choice for any mining operation.

Contact us today if you are interested in using gas monitoring for underground mining. Our team is available to help with troubleshooting this device set up and  to provide any other support that you might need.

UHF IS Communications System

kristian Leaky Feeder Systems, Mining Communication, Underground Communication
UHF IS Communications System

The Becker UHF IS communications system is  a two-way radio communication system that increases safety and production. The system has data, telemetry and video capability. It’s simple to maintain and use. The Becker UHF IS communication system is a highly dependable and durable engineering design.


The Leaky Feeder system allows miners to communicate throughout the mine over standard commercial two-way radios. The Becker UHF IS communication system is an Intrinsically Safe (I.S.) Leaky Feeder system that is used to monitor and control electrical equipment such as fans and pumps. 


Becker UHF IS communication system is reliable, tough, and easy to use. It’s been designed with the user in mind. The system is also very affordable without compromising quality or performance. This is a system that can be put in place in any mining site and help you continue to maintain clear communications even through narrow tunnels or around large obstacles.


The range of the system is impeccable. You can communicate surface to underground and vice versa with ease. The system is also easily expandable so you can add more users as your needs change. The devices running on this leaky feeder system are capable of communicating with one another up to several kilometers.


Using a leaky feeder system as well as a line amplifier,  you can bolster your signal throughout a mining site and make sure that you can add in a series of additional supports like monitoring, data transmission, and more. 


This system is very popular in the mining industry as it is an extremely cost-effective way of providing communication in difficult and dangerous environments. It is also used in other industries such as construction, railway, and tunneling. Cables can be run throughout the mining site with amplifiers every 350 m for optimal coverage and compatibility with devices ranging from communication to monitoring and alarms. 


Repairs and maintenance of the system are easily completed by qualified personnel. The system is also backed by a comprehensive warranty. The cable can expand and be added to as the mine develops, ensuring ease of use with further expansions and quality communication as any mining site grows. 


We can help you get started with the best in leaky feeder communications devices, lines, and throughout the setup process. Our teams can help you troubleshoot the setup process for your mining site as well as integrate your communications system with other systems on site. With our support, you can be sure that your Becker UHF IS communication system will provide you with the clear, quality communications that you need to maintain a safe and productive mining operation.


The UHF IS communications system from Becker Mining is the ideal way to improve safety and efficiency in your mining operation. It is simple to use and maintain, affordable, and offers a range of features and benefits that make it the perfect solution for your needs.


The Becker UHF IS communication system is the perfect solution for your business or organization. Contact us today at Becker Wholesale Mine Supply to find out more about this amazing product!

SmartCOM Leaky Feeder Wifi

kristian Mining, Mining Communication
SmartCOM Leaky Feeder Wifi

One of the new ways that Becker has been moving into new markets is by applying their developments that have been traditionally used in coal and ore mining to other industries. Recently, they completed a project in Novomoskovsk where they implemented the SmartCom Wi-Fi system. This is a unique development of Becker Group that is already having success in various applications. Here we will learn all about SmartCOM Leaky Feeder Wifi.


The SmartCom Wi-Fi system is a leaky feeder wifi system uses low frequency electromagnetic signals to provide wireless coverage in difficult or dangerous environments. It is already being used successfully in mines, tunnels, and other challenging industrial settings. The Novomoskovsk project was the first time it had been used in a commercial setting, and it was a resounding success. 


This newest form of Wifi communication offers 100% coverage of the work area, and can pinpoint the location of personnel with an accuracy of 10 meters. The same Wi-Fi protocol allows the dispatcher to communicate with anyone who is in the mining complex, regardless of where they are. 


This is a major breakthrough for safety and efficiency in the mining industry, and it is only the beginning of what the SmartCom Wi-Fi system can do. 


Becker Mining Systems is at the forefront of developing new and innovative ways to keep people safe and connected in even the most challenging environments. The SmartCom Wi-Fi system is just one example of their commitment to improving safety and efficiency in the mining industry. With these forms of communication and data transfer built into mining sites across the world, we can see  a future where mines are not only safe, but productive and connected places.


One of the best aspects of this mining Wifi system is that it can be easily integrated into a mining site through existing leaky feeder lines.  This means that there is no need to run new cables or make any major changes to the infrastructure of the site. This makes it a very attractive option for companies who are looking to improve safety and efficiency without incurring a lot of extra costs. 


Becker Mining Systems is a global leader in providing advanced engineering solutions for the safe, productive, and connected mine of the future. It has now been over 2 years since the implementation of this project and Becker Varis is working towards implementing these products into multiple mining sites across the world. As we see this wifi technology integrated into leaky feeder lines worldwide, we can see greater data improvements and maintenance in mining as well as enhanced safety and connectedness in the mining environment. 


The SmartCom Wi-Fi system is just one example of how Becker is using its experience and expertise in mining to enter new markets and provide innovative solutions to customers in a variety of industries. With a commitment to quality and customer service, Becker is poised to continue its success in the years to  come.


If you are interested in learning more about  Becker Mining and the SmartCOM leaky feeder wifi system, please visit the website or contact Becker communications today.

Becker Will Build Longwall Roof Supports In US

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Bristol, Virginia-based Becker Global America has secured its first contract to manufacture powered roof supports for longwall mining in the U.S. The company said the shields would also be supported locally.

“We have lots of work in front of us, but couldn’t be more proud of our team and especially being able to bring this to the U.S.,” said Justin Tidd, chief sales officer for Becker Global America.

This is a significant announcement for the U.S. subsidiary of Becker Mining Systems, which has been supporting mines with increasingly sophisticated electrical controls and distribution systems. The parent, which is based in Freidrichstal, Germany, has a division in Swierklany, Poland, (Becker-Warkop) that has manufactured longwall mining equipment for more than 30 years.

Becker VHF Bi Directional Amplifier

kristian Mining, Mining Communication, Product Review
VHF Bi Directional Amplifier

Becker Varispeed VHF Bi-Directional Amplifier is typically to compensate for Leaky Feeder Cable longitudinal losses in both directions simultaneously, we install compensating currents in Mining, Shipping, Tunneling, Motorway and In-Building radiating cable systems.

In these heavy industries, communication remains important and preventing accidents can help to save lives and prevent damage to equipment. 

The Becker Varispeed VHF Bi-Directional Amplifier is a tough, dependable, and easy-to-install option that will ensure clear and consistent communication in all sorts of harsh circumstances.

Benefits of Becker Varispeed VHF Bi-Directional Amplifier

The Becker Varispeed VHF Bi-Directional Amplifier offers several benefits, such as:

  • Improved communication: Clear and reliable communication is crucial in heavy industries to prevent accidents and save lives. The amplifier ensures that communication remains strong and consistent, even in challenging environments.
  • Low noise contribution: The amplifier offers the lowest possible noise contribution to an already weak RF carrier when operating in collocation with a strong carrier, ensuring high-quality connections.
  • Ease of installation: The connectors are designed for easy connection, making installation and repair convenient and straightforward.
  • Simultaneous voice and data transfer: The product operates on multiple channels, allowing for simultaneous voice and data transfer. This ensures that everyone is aware of potential dangers and can respond accordingly.

The goal of this solution is to keep up communication and ensure proper warning in the event of collisions, mine site dangers, and more. Through a superior quality of connection, alarm, and warning system, this is a product that can protect miners and save equipment. 

The amplifier in this product offers the lowest possible noise contribution to an already weak RF carrier when operating in collocation with a strong carrier.

The connectors have been designed for ease of connection making installation and repair as convenient as possible.

The Power Source required from the Leaky Feeder cable is 8V to 17Vdc. The Varispeed UHF BDA is also available with an optional Power over Ethernet (PoE) Injector.

Applications of the Becker Varispeed VHF Bi-Directional Amplifier

The Becker Varispeed VHF Bi-Directional Amplifier can be used in various industries, such as:

  • Mining: The amplifier can protect miners and save equipment by ensuring proper warning in the event of collisions, mine site dangers, and more.
  • Shipping: Clear communication is essential to prevent accidents and ensure the safe transportation of goods.
  • Tunneling: Communication is crucial to ensure the safety of workers and prevent accidents.
  • Motorway: The amplifier can improve communication between drivers, road workers, and emergency services to prevent accidents.
  • In-building radiating cable systems: The amplifier can ensure clear communication in large buildings or complexes, such as hospitals or universities.

The Becker Varispeed VHF Bi-Directional Amplifier is the perfect solution for maximizing performance in UHF bi-directional communications systems. With its low noise contribution and ease of installation, the Varispeed UHF BDA is the ideal choice for ensuring clear and reliable communication in any UHF bi-directional system.

There are multiple channels for simultaneous voice and data transfer. Having the crucial ability to communicate on several channels or share data amongst a mining site can ensure that everyone is always aware of potential dangers. 

This product operates on two principle: 1. The received signal from one direction is amplified and injected into the other direction to serve as a “talk-back” function and 2. The amplifier in this product offers the lowest possible noise contribution to an already weak RF carrier when operating in collocation with a strong carrier.

The device also comes with an LED indicator as well as an OLED display. These features allow for quick and easy diagnosis of any potential problems. indications on the screen will help with the selection of channel features or to simply see alerts as they occur. 

Information collected on the device or warnings can also be cataloged and stored on the CATS database. The database is accessible by computer and can offer a variety of ways to view the data including tabular form, trend form or as a graphical display on a map.

The Becker Varispeed VHF BDA is the perfect solution for ensuring clear and reliable communication in any UHF bi-directional system. With its low noise contribution and ease of installation, the Varispeed VHF BDA is the ideal choice for maximizing performance in UHF bi-directional communications systems.

Contact Us Today

If you are looking for reliability and improved communications on your mining site, these are the perfect devices for you!  For more information on this product, please contact our sales department at Becker Wholesale Mine Supply.

Leaky Feeder Systems For Underground Mining

kristian Leaky Feeder Systems, Underground Communication, Underground Mining
Leaky Feeder Systems For Underground Mining

Leaky feeder systems are a UHF communication network, providing crystal clear communications for all underground mining operations. The systems are renowned for their reliability, robust performance, and easy maintenance. With automatic and manual gain modes, the system can be tailored to any mining environment. Additionally, complete system remote diagnostics are available to ensure optimal performance. There is also better system-wide coverage is achieved with leaky feeder systems – making them the ideal choice for any mine communication needs.


UHF in a leaky feeder provides up to 4x  the range of VHF, meaning that the system will work even in the most challenging underground environments. With a wide voltage range (6Vdc to 24Vdc), the system can be adapted to any power supply. Additionally, the 2-year component and workmanship warranty provide peace of mind that your investment is protected.


UHF is a far better fit in narrow mines and in some of the most challenging environments on earth.  UHF’s ability to penetrate rock, dust and water make it the best solution for providing clear communications in all types of mines. With a leaky feeder system, you can be confident that your mine communications are up to the task – no matter what challenges you face.


The local diagnostics features on  the Smartcom system make it the most reliable and user-friendly system on the market. The system continuously monitors itself, sending information back to the surface about the status of each individual component. This allows for quick and easy troubleshooting in the event of a problem. Additionally, the remote diagnostics feature gives you the ability to monitor the system from anywhere in the world.


The Becker Varis UHF Leaky Feeder System is the perfect solution for all of your underground mining communication needs. With its reliability, robust performance, and easy maintenance, it is the clear choice for any mine. 


UHF also offers the best level of compatibility with VOIP, WLAN and IP cameras. Bringing in the ability to use these features in a mining site ensures that your company can have complete monitoring and safety equipment running off of a highly dependable line. Monitor staff, equipment, safety and conditions all with a quality communication line. This can save you time, money and improve safety across your mining site. 


Standard cable modems along the system can provide 20mbps connections through hotspots in the leaky feeder system. The speed of business can be maintained and even increased in these conditions. If you have areas of the mine that have previously been unreachable or difficult to connect, the leaky feeder system can provide a path to these places. This gives you the ability to have a fully connected mining site without any weak points in the network. 


If you work in underground mining, you know how important it is to have a reliable communication system in place. With leaky feeder systems for underground mining, you can be confident that your operations will run smoothly and safely. Contact a Becker Varis representative today to learn more about our UHF Leaky Feeder System – the best choice for underground mining communications.

Underground Communication From Becker

kristian Leaky Feeder Systems, Mining, Mining Communication, Underground Communication
Underground Communication From Becker

The Beckercom leaky feeder allows miners in the mine to utilize underground communication using standard two-way radios. This greatly increases safety and productivity. The leaky feeder system allows for the monitoring and control of electrical equipment such as fans and pumps. The Intrinsically Safe (I.S.) Leaky Feeder, when used in conjunction with the Becker I.S. can provide 100% coverage to underground mines. 

System Operation 

This system allows seamless communication between two parties in underground tunnels and mines. This is possible by using leaky feeder antenna cables. Leaky feeder antenna cables transmit radio signals underground. These signals are typically located at the surface. It is possible to retransmit the signal on the surface, and it can travel several kilometers.

Leaky Feeder Cable 

The coaxial cable was created to preserve as much signal as possible while blocking external signals. Leaky Feeder cables can leak radio signals or radiate them out. They also allow signals from remote radio transceivers within 50-200m of the Leaky Feeder cable. Traditionally, boosters or line amplifiers are placed along the Leaky feeder cable runs. They are typically installed every 350m. They are used to maintain signal levels over long distances.

System Design

In consultation with customers, certified Becker communication engineers design leaky feeders and comply with all compliance requirements.

Extensions And Repairs

Leakage in Feeder cables is a constant problem as a mine grows. To minimize downtime and maintain reliable operations, it is crucial to quickly connect and repair any damaged Feeder cables. The Becker splice can meet these requirements. Line splices can be used to connect two sections together where signal amplification is not applicable or to repair damaged sections. Line terminations must be placed at the Leaky Feeder cable to properly terminate the system. 


The Becker UHF radio is intrinsically safe I.S. The portability of radios is a great way to have reliability and versatility in a compact and rugged package.

If you would like to learn more about the underground communication options available at Becker Wholesale Mine Supply, Contact us today!