What Type of Radiation Are VHF and UHF Radio Signals

admin Mining, Mining Communication, Underground Communication, Underground Mining
What type of radiation are VHF and UHF radio signals

What type of radiation are VHF and UHF radio signals? The world of radio technology is full of terms that can be hard to keep track of, especially when it comes to understanding the different types of radiation associated with radio transmissions. One particularly important distinction is between very high frequency (VHF) and ultra-high frequency (UHF) radio signals.

Types of Radio Signals

Both VHF and UHF radio signals radiation waves are part of the electromagnetic spectrum, but they differ in what type of wavelengths they use. VHF waves typically have a wavelength of 30-300mhz, and UHF waves typically have a wavelength range between 3ghz- 300mhz. 

When it comes to the radiation associated with these signals, both VHF and UFH transmit energy via electromagnetic fields in the form of non-ionizing radiation, known as radiofrequency (RF) radiation. RF radiation has long been used in many applications such as cellular communication, television broadcast, radar systems, etc., but there is still debate about potential health risks that could arise from prolonged exposure – according to the American Cancer Society website, no link has been established between any health problems from exposure to RF radiations from consumer products like cell phones or radiotelephone towers.

What type of radiation are VHF and UHF radio signals


Electromagnetic radiation is an omnipresent form of energy in our universe, spanning galaxies and stars as well as everyday items like cell phones and microwaves. Radiofrequency or RF energy is a type of electromagnetic radiation created by the motion of electrical charges emitted by antennas. Frequency units for these waves can be expressed in Hz or MHz, with lower frequencies represented by longer wavelengths and vice versa. By understanding the basic principles behind this type of radiation, we can use it for our benefit. 

Although these signals can be used for communication and data transfer, it will also take regular monitoring to ensure that we can keep mining sites safe and the levels of this radiation low for workers in the area. 

We take quality control very seriously to ensure the safety of our employees and customers. We use only the highest-rated products that have been tested to meet industry standards and have the latest safety features. Our team regularly reviews the latest advancements in technology to determine which products would be most beneficial for our operations. From materials designed to reduce any radiation exposure to secure connections that help protect against hacking attempts, we make sure our operations are secure at all times—minimizing any risks associated with working with sensitive data or potentially hazardous environments.

Increase Your Mining Operations with Becker Wholesale Mine Supply

At Becker Mining USA, we understand the importance of everyone’s safety first when it comes to using RF technology for our mining operations. As such, we have taken steps to reduce exposure levels by implementing strict regulations on how close employees can get to antennas transmitting VFH and UHF signals, as well as installing shielding materials where appropriate. Furthermore, we regularly monitor our workers through regular checkups to ensure their safety is not at risk due to any electromagnetic transmission at our facilities. Call us today!

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What is a Leaky Coax Cable

admin Leaky Feeder Systems, Mining Communication, Underground Communication, Underground Mining
What is a leaky coax cable

Radio coverage in tunnels is an essential topic of study, especially as more applications require wireless coverage in underground spaces. Leaky coax cable, coupled or radiating leaky mode cables, has been recognized as a viable method of establishing base station antenna systems in such areas. This cable type transmits radio frequency signals using energy and wave radiation patterns on its outer conductor. Through simulations and calculations performed with a modified ray tracing algorithm, it has been demonstrated that leaky cables can achieve better radio frequency (RF) coverage than distributed antennas in signal level versus frequency for different tunnel lengths and cross-section areas.

Leaky Cable for Emergency Communications

Leaky coaxial cables are preferred for tunnel coverage due to the difficulties of using a distributed antenna. By using leaky cables, radio frequency signals can be sent by slotting its outer conductor, and channels can be established based on the wave and energy radiation patterns emitted. This base station system is essential for various applications in underground environments, such as mobile communication (GSM, PCN/PCS, DECT), emergency communication services on roads, radio coverage of railway and metro tunnels, and more. Using leaky coaxial cable deployment, considering both transmission and threshold power levels, a novel implementation of the Ray Tracing algorithm is used to predict radio coverage in tunnels accurately. This improved method makes electric field coverage smoother and easier to predict. Radio communication within tunnels is greatly enhanced when this leaky cable deployment is used.

Leaky coaxial cables provide the structure for electromagnetic waves to propagate as Transverse Electromagnetic (TEM) waves. This cable type is shielded by an outer conductor. This prevents electromagnetic radiation from being influenced by the propagated wave within the cable. However, slots on the outer conductor allow some energy to leak between the cable and its environment. This adjustable coupling capability allows for smoother electric field coverage and better radio communication quality, depending on the amount of electromagnetic intensity, installation method, and environmental conditions within a tunnel. Due to their metallic characteristics, 75 Ω cables have been replaced with more efficient 50 Ω cables to further reduce signal loss in tunnels. These new cables help maximize radio performance and enhance overall coverage within tunnels.

Essential Parameters of Leaky Cables

Two essential parameters of leaky cables are cable attenuations (or longitudinal attenuation) and coupling attenuations. The coupling attenuations refer to the ratio between radiated signal level and the received signal level by a λ/2 dipole antenna or λ/4 monopole at a specific distance from the cable. This ratio can vary depending on the location of the cable, distance, and orientation of slots. Leaky cables can be divided into two models: radiating model and coupled model.

In the radiating mode, an electrical field is generated by slots located on the cable’s outer conductor. These slots are typically spaced at half wavelength distances of radiation signals for maximum output. Meanwhile, in the coupled mode, electromagnetic fields are scattered. It is due to induction on the cable’s outer conductor. This produces a current that radiates in a pattern similar to that of a long electric antenna. The radiation pattern in this mode can also be modeled using dispersed or deterministic models for further accuracy and precision in predicting radio coverage in tunnels.

Contact us today if you want to learn more about Leaky feeder cables. 

Get In Touch With Us Today

If you’re looking for a reliable communication solution for your mining operations, consider the leaky coax cable products from Becker Wholesale Mine Supply. We offer high-quality leaky cable solutions that are designed to meet the unique needs of mining environments. Contact us today or visit our website.

Products That We Offer

Can UHF and VHF Radios Communicate

admin Mining Communication, Underground Communication

Can UHF and VHF radios communicate? Knowing the difference between UHF and VHF radio communication is critical to finding the ideal two-way radio for your needs. UHF (Ultra High Frequency) and VHF (Very High Frequency) offer different advantages and disadvantages, depending on the environment in which you will be using your radio.

The range of UHF is typically more significant than that of VHF, allowing for longer distance coverage. UHF allows for more uninterrupted operation, making it ideal for applications that require a wide coverage area, such as public safety or search & rescue operations. However, obstacles like walls or trees can affect the shorter wavelength of UHF, causing reduced reception in areas with high obstructions.

VHF radios have a more excellent range, but their respective wavelengths make them more likely to suffer from distortion due to natural phenomena like mountains or building walls. Additionally, they are better suited toward smaller coverage areas since they span less far than UHF signals. On the plus side, however, VHF signals travel further over open water and hard surfaces like concrete pavement — making them ideal for maritime activities such as ship-to-ship conversations.

Problems With These Radios

One of the primary issues with VHF and UHF radios is their inability to communicate over large distances. Interruption can be a particular issue when radios operate in environments such as mountains, rugged landscapes, or heavily built-up areas where many obstacles block the signal. While VHF frequencies tend to travel further over open water and hard surfaces like concrete pavement, UHF radio waves usually penetrate trees and other lightweight obstacles better.

Another essential factor to consider when using two-way radios is their range – which depends on the type of radio users and the environment miners use. In general, UHF will have a more extended range than VHF. Still, any structures that may be in between the transmitter and receiver can reduce communication. On the other hand, VHF signals tend to be more robust when within such obstructions, but their range will be limited overall if compared to UHF.

When deciding what type of two-way radio will best suit your needs, choosing between UHF and VHF can take time and effort. Unfortunately, UHF and VHF devices can’t communicate with each other. As such, if an existing network of radios is already in place, you may need to add new radios from the same frequency band.

Another Option – PoC Radios

Another option that can provide a helpful advantage over both UHF and VHF systems is Push-to-talk over cellular (PoC). PoC devices are based on broadband or 4G LTE networks. They have no restrictions regarding distance, allowing for seamless communication within any location — even with physical barriers such as buildings or mountains. Furthermore, PoC platforms also support group transmissions, which adds flexibility when communicating with multiple people at once.

HF and VHF radios provide reliable communication solutions in various environments. Still, they may have limitations when faced with distance or physical obstructions. Push-to-talk over cellular (PoC) devices can be an ideal alternative as they don’t have any restrictions, regardless of the location you use them.

Get In Touch With Us Today

Are you tired of unreliable communication equipment slowing down your operations and putting your team’s safety at risk? Look no further than Becker Wholesale Mine Supply‘s UHF and VHF communication products.

Our cutting-edge technology guarantees efficient communication between team members, even in extreme temperatures. No matter if you’re underground or above ground, our products are built to withstand even the harshest conditions to keep your team connected and safe. Call us today!

Products That We Offer

Becker Wholesale Mine Supply’s leaky feeder cable is an essential investment for any mining operation looking to maintain effective communication and ensure the safety of its workers.

Leaky Feeder Cable for Underground Mining

admin Leaky Feeder Systems, Mining Communication, Underground Communication, Underground Mining
Leaky feeder cable for underground mining

Leaky feeder cable is a revolutionary technology we use in underground mining and other tunnel environments. They are radiating cables that act as antennas, transmitting radio signals throughout the tunnel or mine. This allows for much better communication and safety than traditional methods. This makes leaky feeders an invaluable tool for miners, cabling professionals, and manufacturers alike. The leaky feeder can ensure safe and efficient mining operations.

Working Principles of a Leaky Feeder Cable

Leaky feeders transmit radio signals in tunnels using radiating cables as antennas. These cables have gaps and slots in their outer conductors, which allow the radio signal to leak out of the cable and spread along its length. To ensure that the signal remains strong enough for reliable communication, line amplifiers must be inserted at regular intervals. Transceivers carried by personnel in the tunnel pick up these amplified signals and transmit them back through the cable, creating two-way communication throughout the tunnel system. Leaky feeder systems are limited to low-frequency transmissions due to signal loss caused by long line lengths and cannot penetrate solid rock. However, they do provide an effective and safe method of communication for miners, cabling professionals, and manufacturers in underground applications.

Provides Longer Communication

In mining operations, leaky feeders are an invaluable tool for providing continuous and reliable communication to miners. By using transceivers that can be worn on the miner’s person throughout the shift, these systems give miners a two-way communication system that is easy to access and use. The transceiver allows for communications even in areas where traditional radio systems cannot reach, such as deep inside tunnels or underground voids. Leaky feeder systems also eliminate the need for physical wires and connections to ensure constant communication between workers, making them much safer and more efficient than traditional methods.

Leaky feeders can extend their range and coverage by connecting them to antennas. Depending on the type of antenna installed, the leaky feeder system can become even more potent in terms of data communication range, allowing for clearer underground conversations and data transfer. These types of antennas also provide a consistently high level of coverage no matter how far underground workers may be located. Additionally, because many mines go deeper over time, it’s important that any communications systems are able to maintain connection without interruption. Antenna-mounted leaky feeders are ideal for this purpose as they can adapt to changing environment depths with minimal intervention or cost.

Overall, this system for mining communications is one of the most cost-effective and adaptive for the environment. Because they offer no signal distortion and a simple method of extending communications, this is a system that works very well for ensuring safety in a mine.

Get In Touch Us

Are you searching for a reliable and effective communication solution for your underground mining operation? Becker Wholesale Mine Supply‘s leaky feeder cable is an ideal choice for underground mining. Boasting superior design and long-distance coverage, this cable helps keep workers safe while maintaining communication. Don’t sacrifice safety or communication – contact Becker Wholesale Mine Supply’s leaky feeder cable today!

Products That We Offer

Becker Wholesale Mine Supply’s leaky feeder cable is an essential investment for any mining operation looking to maintain effective communication and ensure the safety of its workers.

Why Is the Leaky Feeder System Not Working In Disaster

admin Mining Communication, Underground Communication, Underground Mining
Leaky feeder system not working in disaster

Why is the leaky feeder system not working in disaster? The leaky feeder system is a type of communication system that miners use in underground mines, tunnels, and other similar environments. It works to provide a reliable means of communication between workers in these environments and the surface team.

However, despite its effectiveness in many situations, the leaky feeder system may stop working properly during disaster, such as fires or cave-ins. In this blog, we will explore some of the reasons why the leaky feeder system may not work in these situations and discuss some possible solutions.

What is the Leaky Feeder System?

Before we dive into the reasons why the leaky feeder system may not work during disasters, let’s briefly review what the system is and how it works.

The leaky feeder system consists of a series of coaxial cables that are installed throughout an underground mine or tunnel. These cables are designed to transmit radio signals, which are used for communication between workers in the underground environment and the surface team.

The cables are called “leaky” because they are designed to allow a portion of the signal to escape through small openings in the cable’s outer insulation. This allows the signal to be received by handheld radios or other communication devices carried by workers in the underground environment.

Reasons Why Leaky Feeder System is Not Working During Disaster

Despite the many benefits of the leaky feeder system, there are several reasons why it may not work as intended during disasters. Some of the most common reasons include:

  1. Damage to the Cables: During a disaster, such as a cave-in or explosion, the cables that make up the leaky feeder system may become damaged or severed. Causing the signal disruption or signal loss, making it difficult or impossible for workers in the underground environment to communicate with the surface team.
  2. Power Failure: The leaky feeder system requires power to function properly. If a power supply disruption or the power fails during a disaster, the system may not work accurately. This can lead to communication issues between workers in the underground environment and the surface team.
  3. Interference: The leaky feeder system relies on radio signals to transmit communication between workers in the underground environment and the surface team. However, during a disaster, other sources of radio interference may be present, making it difficult or impossible to transmit or receive signals effectively.

Possible Solutions to Leaky Feeder System Failure

While there are several reasons why the leaky feeder system may not work as intended during disasters, there are also several potential solutions to these issues. Some of the most common solutions include:

  1. Redundant Systems: To prevent communication failures during disasters, many underground mines and tunnels have redundant communication systems in place. This can include backup leaky feeder systems, as well as other communication methods such as Wi-Fi or cellular networks.
  2. Regular Maintenance: Regular maintenance and inspection of the leaky feeder system can help to identify and address potential issues before they become major problems. This can help to ensure that the system is functioning properly during emergencies.
  3. Training and Protocols: Workers in underground mines and tunnels should receive regular training on how to use the leaky feeder system and other communication methods effectively. This can help to ensure that they are able to communicate effectively during disasters, even if the leaky feeder system is not functioning properly.


The leaky feeder system is a valuable tool for communication in underground mines, tunnels, and other similar environments. However, during disasters, such as fires or cave-ins, the system may not work as intended. By understanding the potential reasons for system failure and implementing the appropriate solutions, it is possible to ensure that workers in these environments are able to communicate effectively and stay safe during emergencies.

Contact Us Today

If you are responsible for safety in an underground mine or tunnel, you know how critical it is to have reliable communication between workers in the underground environment and the surface team. The leaky feeder system is a valuable tool for achieving this goal, but it is not foolproof. In order to ensure that the leaky feeder system is functioning properly, regular maintenance and inspection are necessary.

At Becker Wholesale Mine Supply, we offer a range of high-quality leaky feeder systems and other mining safety equipment that can help to protect your workers and ensure that your mining operation runs smoothly. Our experienced team can work with you to design and implement a customized communication system that meets the specific needs of your operation.

So if you are looking for a reliable leaky feeder system for your mining operation, look no further than Becker Wholesale Mine Supply. Contact us today to learn more about our products and services, and take the first step towards a safer, more efficient mining operation.

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How Does Underground Mining Work

admin Gas Monitor, Mining, Uncategorized, Underground Communication, Underground Mining
How does underground mining work

How does underground mining work? Underground mining is a critical process for extracting valuable minerals and resources from the earth. This method of mining involves the excavation of tunnels and shafts, which allow miners to access ore deposits located deep underground. Underground mining can be a dangerous and challenging process, as it requires specialized equipment, techniques, and safety protocols. Despite these challenges, underground mining work remains an essential process for the mining industry and plays a crucial role in the global economy.


Leaky Feeder Amplifier Increases the Distance Over Which Miners Can Communicate

admin Leaky Feeder Systems, Mining Communication, Underground Communication
Leaky feeder communications systems

In order for leaky feeder communications systems to work properly, they need the right amplifiers to carry their signal. Becker Mining’s leaky feeder amplifiers are designed specifically for this purpose, offering superior performance and reliability.

Becker Mining’s leaky feeder amplifiers can help miners communicate effectively with each other throughout a mining environment, no matter how remote or deep underground they are. These amplifiers have been designed to withstand the harsh conditions of a mine, and can be used in both open-pit and underground mines. They are also robust enough to operate reliably over long distances, allowing miners to stay connected even from far away locations.

The leaky feeder amplifiers from Becker Mining provide superior levels of coverage in keeping mining equipment connected and personnel. This offers a higher level of safety and the assurance that miners have reliable communication back to the surface. As your leaky feeder system expands, the antenna will ensure that devices in every level of the mine can stay connected and with the utmost clarity. Without these antennas, you could potentially risk a dead zone or an area that could be free of gas monitoring, alarms or communications. 

Better Communication

Bidirectional amplifiers maintain signal levels even through many layers of mining equipment, depth and rocks. With these systems in place, you can adapt your mining site to multiple leaky feeder system lines. The lines can also maintain communication and self diagnose so that you can tell when there is a break or need for maintenance. 

Becker Mining’s leaky feeder amplifiers are a valuable asset in providing safe and dependable underground communications for mining operations. They have been designed with robustness, reliability and performance in mind, making them an ideal choice for underground environments. In areas where mining equipment needs to perform, these are systems that can operate even miles underground. 

Without a proper amplifier, leaky feeder systems would not be able to operate effectively. Devices can be used to operate signals accordingly and the adaptor slots ensure that the devices can be continually expanded as the mining site expands. Becker Mining’s leaky feeder amplifiers provide the necessary support and reliability to keep mining sites connected. 

Leaky feeder systems with amplifiers will work just the same as any mobile phone. They can provide timely responses for proximity alerts, gas monitoring, and improvements to safety throughout a mining site. Becker Mining’s leaky feeder amplifiers provide superior performance and reliability when it comes to mining communications. Providing miners with the necessary tools for a safe and successful operation, these amplifiers can help increase productivity while also ensuring worker safety. 

Contact Us

Coupled with their robust design, Becker Mining’s leaky feeders can be integrated into your mining site with multiple ports for expansion and the reliability that you can count on. If you need assistance outfitting your mining site with appropriate antenna for your leaky feeder, Becker Mining is the ideal choice. With their leaky feeder amplifiers, you can ensure that your mining site has reliable communication and safety at all times. Contact us for more information.


Mine Radio Underground Communications: Leaky Feeder Radio System

admin Leaky Feeder Systems, Mining Communication, Underground Communication
Radio underground communications

Radio underground communications are essential for miners’ safety as technology advances. The Leaky Feeder Radio System is an excellent way to communicate underground. It uses one cable to send signals, called the “radiating cable,” and another nearby cable to receive them, the “receiving cable.” This setup allows fast and efficient data transmission through walls or underground obstructions, allowing miners to communicate regardless of location.

The radiating wire’s function is to transmit and absorb RF signals. This makes it perfect for underground communication. It is highly reliable, as it does not lose signal even if there are walls or other obstructions between the cables. The leaky feeder system also uses low-frequency signals, which enables it to travel longer distances underground.

Communications Provide Safety

The systems are perfect for underground environments where traditional radio signals cannot thrive. Due to signal interference from underground environments, traditional radio systems may not be able to reach. Mine Radio Underground Communications is an excellent way for miners to stay safe and communicate in hazardous environments, such as underground mines. Its leaky feeder system ensures that their message will travel safely, quickly, and efficiently regardless of location. 

Long-range wireless radios that can use data will also monitor the sensors for the leaky feeder system and can include additional monitors such as optics, humidity, and gas monitoring along the system. A reliable leaky feeder system can add a layer of security and safety to any mining operation. With the proper setup, miners can stay connected wherever they work underground. 

The leaky feeder radio system effectively communicates in hazardous environments and allows miners to remain safe while continuing to work. Its long-range wireless capability makes it possible for miners. Line amplifiers ensure a quality signal when placed 350-500 m apart, which will boost the signal back to points of contact through the system. The Leaky feeder system can continue to communicate even in the most difficult or dangerous mining environments, allowing for various monitoring within the system. 

Mine Radio Underground communications are essential for keeping miners safe and connected underground. The leaky feeder radio system provides a reliable way to stay in contact no matter how far apart. The low-frequency signals travel long distances, and the long-range wireless systems connect data with additional monitoring for added safety. The leaky feeder system ensures that miners stay connected in hazardous environments, allowing them to do their job safely and effectively. These are essential mining equipment with voice and data supports built-in and the chance for monitoring. 

Contact Us Now

If you are interested in a quality leaky feeder system for your mining site, contact Becker Wholesale Mine Supply to find out more. We are dedicated to providing the best communication systems for miners and will ensure that your system is properly installed so you can stay safe and connected underground. We can create custom leaky feeder systems to meet the needs of your mining site’s needs and make recommendations for future expansion. 

Becker Varis UHF Leaky Feeder System

admin Leaky Feeder Systems, Mining Communication, Underground Communication
Becker Varis UHF Leaky Feeder System

The Becker Varis UHF leaky feeder system is one of the most robust and reliable communication systems to enhance safety and production in any mining facility. Maintaining reliable communications in difficult environments is exactly what we can do. Our UHF system is designed if you can need of every customer and offer robust maintainability and performance if you’ve any size mining facility. We can create a custom plan that will suit the needs of your business we also provide an upgrade path to ensure that your system can be continually expanded in the future. 

We recognize that one size does not fit all and with our mark, and operations we have built the world’s most premium UHF leaky feeder system with up to four times more coverage in underground mines than any VHF communications system. We can work in narrow veins mines as well as in low-back operations. Our local diagnostics are standard on every amplifier including an all-finding system and troubleshooting that can quickly identify components within the leaky feeder system that could be faulty. 

10 MHz bandwidth and 10mhz system bandwidth for component voice channels are included with separate bands for data. The ethernet upstream of 20 to 40 MHz, as well as downstream ethernet 140-185 MHz, ensure that the system operating standard cable modems will deliver up to 20 Mb per second hotspots along the leaky feeder system. The UHF more calm system offers the greatest flexibility for VOIP, IP cameras, WLAN, and use for PC. The system can also be maintained with ease offering complete diagnostics and analysis for downstream and upstream signal levels. Report time and voltages will be managed easily and the automatic gain mode will ensure that the amplifier can be managed intelligently as the system grows. 

The separate voice and data channels ensure that you can maintain quality communications as well as the systems that are required to keep you operating with ease. Our systems are designed for the best in extreme environments support and maximum uptime. Using our mining systems will provide you with a solid upgrade path should you wish to enhance your communications later on. 

This offers some of the best flexibility for maintaining upstream and downstream signal levels as well as reporting times and voltage. Automatic responses will reduce your maintenance costs and ensure that you have a more reliable communications network throughout your business. If you need enhanced flexibility as well as reduced maintenance through updated troubleshooting and support, this is a system that could benefit your mining site. We have fine-tuned our communication systems over years of development and we are ready to help your business generate the best in reliability and efficiency. 

To learn more about the Becker Varis UHF Leaky Feeder system or to install one at your mining site today, contact the team at Becker Varis now. We are always ready to handle your inquiries on our communications systems.

Top Rated Features of the Kenwood NX 203-303 Radios

admin Product Review, Underground Communication
Top Rated Features of the Kenwood NX 203-303 Radios

With any quality, underground communication can take place on a sophisticated radio device. With Becker Varis, you can be assured that the digital communication devices that we recommend are of the top quality industry standard. For both short and long data messages as well as over-the-air alias and programming, the Kenwood NX 203-303 radios offer the best in communications for underground mining environments and the integration with any of the leaky feeder systems used and installed by our company. If you’ve been seeking reliable communications in hazardous underground environments, we have the tools to keep your business operating with efficiency.

Some of the main features that separate the Kenwood style of radio from other options on the market include:

Flash Firmware Upgrading

Radios from Kenwood receive regular flash updates ensuring that they have the best in encryption technology as well as the best new tools for keeping your business operating with robust communications. Other radios may require ongoing patching and support from an IT perspective but these offer integrated solutions for upgrades and improvements for expansion in your communication system.

The multifunction display as well as the bright LCD screen ensure that the device can be read in a wide range of lighting conditions and managed by operators performing a variety of functions throughout the mining site. Whether there’s a need to transfer channels or an operator must react quickly in an emergency, the easy controls and multifunction display make the process simple.

Call functions include the option for call alerts, busy signals, and conventional load access numbers for emergency call features. You can complete everything from calling cues to various hold lines and data transfers through shortwave messages on the device. Call queuing with priority to if not available on every underground radio but it comes standard on both these models. Individual or group selection calls make it easy to set up ongoing groups or working levels of management amongst staff members. 

The robust construction of these devices is also difficult to match any underground communication device. With complete IP54 water and dust intrusion support, these are items that can provide extremely strong construction in hazardous environments and a level of protection against environmental threats. 

Levels of connection are also made easy through enhanced signal solutions and automatic site roaming. Whether you’re attempting to manage communications in a multisite mine or you need support for masked over-the-air alias from close partner mines, the system can be calibrated for ease of use. 

Auto roaming registration and group registration across multi-system communications tools ensure that you do not experience downtime and that you are ready for all communications tasks. With 12.5 and 25 Khz channels, you will be ready to succeed with strong voice communications and ultra-wide area group calling.

If you are interested in learning more about the Kenwood NX 203-303 radios and would like to integrate these systems for your mining site, contact us today at Becker Wholesale Mine Supply. We can help you learn more about these solutions and show you how to integrate Kenwood radios into your underground communications.