Becker Mining USA: Leaky Feeder Coaxial Cable Manufacturer

kristian Mining, Mining Communication, Underground Communication, Underground Mining
Leaky feeder coaxial cable

Becker Mining USA has developed a game-changing solution to the connectivity problem in many large indoor areas and canyons. The company’s innovative leaky feeder involves a coaxial cable that leaks a small radio signal to its surroundings, providing uniform and uninterrupted signal coverage over the entire cable run. This article will explore the advantages of using these cables, their applications in various industries, and how they can improve safety, communication, and productivity in mining environments.

Advantages of Using Becker Mining USA’s Cables

Compared to traditional access-point networks, Becker Mining USA’s cables offer several advantages, making them the ideal solution for large indoor areas and canyons. One of the most significant advantages is the uniform and uninterrupted signal coverage over the entire length of the cable run. This means that only a single access point is required for each cable run, significantly reducing hardware installation and maintenance costs.

Leaky feeder coaxial cable

Applications of Becker Mining USA’s Cables

Becker Mining USA’s leaky feeder coaxial cable is well-suited for various industries that require reliable and cost-effective wireless connectivity solutions. Traditional access-point installations in warehouses and cold stores can be ineffective due to obstructions and signal interference. However, a cable installation above each canyon hanging from ceiling joists can provide complete signal coverage without additional hardware.

In the hospitality industry, hotels with solid concrete floors and walls require an access point in every room to ensure reliable WiFi for every guest. Traditional multi-AP type installations can be expensive, tricky to install, and hard to maintain. With Becker Mining USA’s solution, you can cover the entire hotel corridor using a single access point, simplifying connectivity and roaming issues for users.

Wireless connectivity can be particularly challenging in mining environments due to harsh conditions, signal interference from mining machines, and geological features. Becker Mining USA’s cables can overcome these challenges, providing reliable WiFi connectivity to mining facilities. Using a single access point for the entire mining facility can also significantly reduce hardware installation and maintenance costs, improving safety, communication, and productivity.


Becker Mining USA’s leaky feeder coaxial cable revolutionizes wireless connectivity with advantages like uniform signal coverage, lower installation and maintenance costs, and ease of use. If you are interested in installing these systems in your mining environment or business, contact Becker Mining USA today. The company’s teams can assist with integrating these tools into your business for consistent communications support.

Leaky feeder coaxial cable

Contact Us Today

If you’re looking for reliable and cost-effective wireless connectivity solutions for your mining operations, look no further than Becker SMC. Becker SMC is a leading manufacturer of leaky coaxial cables for mining. Becker SMC’s innovative solution provides uniform and uninterrupted signal coverage, even in the harshest mining environments. Using these cables can improve safety, communication, and productivity while reducing hardware installation and maintenance costs. Contact Becker SMC today to learn more about their leaky coaxial cables and how they can benefit your mining operations.

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How Do Two-Way Radios Work

kristian Mining, Mining Communication, Underground Communication, Underground Mining
How do two-way radios work

How exactly do two-way radios work? For its communication strategy, Becker Mining USA has been providing two-way radios for its customers. These tools are perfect for effective and efficient communication between personnel. Two-way radios, also known as walkie-talkies, allow people to communicate over short distances with a simple button push.

For Becker Mining USA, two-way radio communications have become invaluable tools for keeping employees connected and safe in emergencies. Employees can quickly reach out to each other for help or assistance by using these radios.

Working Principle of Two-way Radios

Two-way radios work by transmitting and receiving signals through radio waves. Radio waves are electromagnetic fields that are capable of carrying audio messages from one place to another without the need for physical wires. Using radio frequencies provided by the FCC, these radio waves travel from one point to another, allowing two individuals to talk back and forth through their radios.

The design of two-way radios plays an essential role in how they function. The receiver is usually located inside the device and works by picking up incoming signals within a specific frequency range. A transmitter generates the outgoing signal — often in the form of an antenna sticking out of the back end of the device — which sends out encoded information so that only people with compatible receivers can pick up your transmission on their own devices.

These days, many two-way radios possess additional features such as privacy codes that help maintain secure conversations or high power output for a more excellent transmission range. For Becker Mining USA specifically, having access to these features provides even more safety and assurance in case of an emergency or a breakdown in communication due to location constraints or any other factors that could leave employees feeling lost without a reliable connection between team members.

How do two-way radios work

Improved Mining Communication

By combining two-way radios with leaky feeder lines, safety conditions improve tenfold in work mines. Leaky feeder lines transmit radio signals through a pressurized tube system in which the signals ‘leak’ out of tiny holes along its length. This setup provides personnel to send and receive radio signals deep within mines or areas that typically block traditional radio waves. As a result, Becker Mining USA can ensure that their employees can stay connected no matter where they are located or their situation. With traditional two-way radios, signal interference in deep mining sites would be typical. Thanks to these extensions, the signal remains evident throughout the mining site. It can also expand as the mining site grows. 

In conclusion, two-way radios have quickly grown in popularity as reliable tools for businesses in mining and construction that require frequent connection among personnel without having to rely on bulky sets of wires and cables for every situation possible. Thanks to modern technological advancements, communicating via two-way radios has never been easier or more precise than ever before. 

How do two-way radios work

Contact Our Experts Today

Are you looking for a reliable radio communication and leaky feeder system to improve safety and productivity in your mining operation? Look no further than Becker Wholesale Mine Supply. Our top-of-the-line leaky feeder systems provide uninterrupted communication in underground mining environments, ensuring the safety of your workers and preventing costly downtime. Contact us today to learn more and to start equipping your mine with the best communication and safety equipment available.

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What Type of Radiation Are VHF and UHF Radio Signals

kristian Mining, Mining Communication, Underground Communication, Underground Mining
What type of radiation are VHF and UHF radio signals

What type of radiation are VHF and UHF radio signals? The world of radio technology is full of terms that can be hard to keep track of, especially when it comes to understanding the different types of radiation associated with radio transmissions. One particularly important distinction is between very high frequency (VHF) and ultra-high frequency (UHF) radio signals.

Types of Radio Signals

Both VHF and UHF radio signals radiation waves are part of the electromagnetic spectrum, but they differ in what type of wavelengths they use. VHF waves typically have a wavelength of 30-300mhz, and UHF waves typically have a wavelength range between 3ghz- 300mhz. 

When it comes to the radiation associated with these signals, both VHF and UFH transmit energy via electromagnetic fields in the form of non-ionizing radiation, known as radiofrequency (RF) radiation. RF radiation has long been used in many applications such as cellular communication, television broadcast, radar systems, etc., but there is still debate about potential health risks that could arise from prolonged exposure – according to the American Cancer Society website, no link has been established between any health problems from exposure to RF radiations from consumer products like cell phones or radiotelephone towers.

What type of radiation are VHF and UHF radio signals


Electromagnetic radiation is an omnipresent form of energy in our universe, spanning galaxies and stars as well as everyday items like cell phones and microwaves. Radiofrequency or RF energy is a type of electromagnetic radiation created by the motion of electrical charges emitted by antennas. Frequency units for these waves can be expressed in Hz or MHz, with lower frequencies represented by longer wavelengths and vice versa. By understanding the basic principles behind this type of radiation, we can use it for our benefit. 

Although these signals can be used for communication and data transfer, it will also take regular monitoring to ensure that we can keep mining sites safe and the levels of this radiation low for workers in the area. 

We take quality control very seriously to ensure the safety of our employees and customers. We use only the highest-rated products that have been tested to meet industry standards and have the latest safety features. Our team regularly reviews the latest advancements in technology to determine which products would be most beneficial for our operations. From materials designed to reduce any radiation exposure to secure connections that help protect against hacking attempts, we make sure our operations are secure at all times—minimizing any risks associated with working with sensitive data or potentially hazardous environments.

Increase Your Mining Operations with Becker Wholesale Mine Supply

At Becker Mining USA, we understand the importance of everyone’s safety first when it comes to using RF technology for our mining operations. As such, we have taken steps to reduce exposure levels by implementing strict regulations on how close employees can get to antennas transmitting VFH and UHF signals, as well as installing shielding materials where appropriate. Furthermore, we regularly monitor our workers through regular checkups to ensure their safety is not at risk due to any electromagnetic transmission at our facilities. Call us today!

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Does a Carbon Monoxide Alarm Detect Gas Leaks

kristian Gas Monitor, Mining, Underground Mining
Does a carbon monoxide alarm detect gas leaks

As a business that works with combustible materials, Becker Mining USA understands the importance of safety. A carbon monoxide alarm is a crucial tool for creating a safe working environment since it alerts workers to the presence of this toxic gas. But does a carbon monoxide alarm detect gas leaks from other sources, such as natural gas or propane?

The short answer is that it depends on what type of carbon monoxide detector you use. Some types of detectors solely monitor the presence of CO in the air. In contrast, others are equipped with additional sensors that can detect the presence of methane and other combustible gases. Moreover, some detectors come with features such as one-touch emergency call buttons that alert emergency responders in case of prolonged exposure to hazardous gas levels.

If you’re looking for an all-in-one solution to detect various types of gas leaks in your workplace, an integrated carbon monoxide alarm and combustible gas detector may be your best bet. This device has sensors built into its core which can detect CO and combustible gases like methane or propane simultaneously to provide comprehensive monitoring capabilities. Not only will this help keep your workers safe by warning them when dangerous gas levels are present, but it also helps maintain workplace compliance by providing detailed records regarding fumes and air quality over time.

Importance of Gas Detection

Equipment-mounted gas detectors are an essential component of safety in the workplace, and they’re critical in mining due to dangerous gases like methane. Portable gas detectors can be used with each employee and have the added advantage of detecting multiple gases, making it much easier to monitor air quality in environments with several combustible gases. Portable gas detectors can detect the presence of carbon monoxide and methane, propane, hydrogen sulfide, oxygen deficiency, and other toxic or flammable gases common in mining operations. This highly sensitive equipment is easy to use, lightweight, and ensures that your employees remain safe by detecting potential risks before it becomes too late.

Gas detection systems have come a long way over the past few years and are now much more accessible to calibrate than their earlier counterparts. This makes it easy for businesses like Becker Mining USA to keep them running smoothly and accurately with minimal effort. Additionally, modern gas detection systems are much better at detecting gases than older models, helping to prevent potential catastrophes before they happen. They are highly sensitive and can detect even the most minor amounts of combustible gases in the atmosphere, alerting personnel when any hazardous levels are detected.

Contact Us Today

A well-maintained carbon monoxide alarm ensures worker safety at Becker Mining USA workplaces and beyond. If you want maximum protection against all types of potentially hazardous gases, an integrated CO and combustible gas detector could be just what you need. Call us or visit our website.

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What Is a Transducer Used For

kristian Mining, Underground Mining
What is a transducer used for

Have you ever wondered what a transducer is and how it works? A transducer is an electronic device that converts one type of energy into another. It can convert sound, light, or other forms of energy into electrical signals that anyone can use to control or measure various physical conditions. This article will discuss these devices, their work, and the different types of transducers available.

A transducer is an electronic device that can convert one form of energy into another. The machine takes in an input signal and converts it into a different form of energy users can use that energy for whatever purpose or needs. For example, a microphone converts sound waves into electrical signals, which a computer can amplify and process. Similarly, a temperature sensor converts heat energy into electrical signals, which users can use to regulate temperatures in various environments.


Transducers are often classified according to the type of energy they convert. The most common type of transducer is the piezoelectric transducer which converts mechanical vibrations into electrical signals. You commonly find these in microphones and acoustic pickups. Other examples include optical transducers, which convert light into electrical signals (e.g., photo sensors), and thermoelectric transducers, which convert temperature variations into electrical signals (e.g., thermistors).

In addition to converting one type of energy into another, transducers have several essential characteristics that make them useful in various applications. For instance, some transducers can operate at very low frequencies for monitoring processes such as heartbeat or respiration rate in medical settings or measure displacement in seismic engineering applications. They also have high accuracy levels compared to many other types of sensors due to their ability to accurately detect changes in their measurement environment, even when subjected to specific loads or heat sources such as fuel cells or internal combustion engines.


When using a transducer, it is essential to consider its physical size since this affects its sensitivity level and accuracy when detecting motion or other energy inputs from its environment. Additionally, many transducers require power sources such as batteries to operate correctly. Consider alternative methods such as rechargeable batteries or solar cells if your application requires long-term use without power interruptions. 

Here are some of the key advantages associated with using transducers:

High accuracy

One of the main advantages of using transducers is that they provide highly accurate measurements even when subjected to specific loads or heat sources such as fuel cells or internal combustion engines. Accuracy ensures that any readings taken will be consistent and reliable over long periods.

Low cost

Compared to alternative solutions such as photovoltaic cells or thermocouples, transducers are generally much less expensive, which makes them an attractive option for various applications where cost is a significant factor.

Low Power Consumption

Due to their everyday power needs, transducers can be used without worrying about frequent battery changes or other maintenance costs associated with high energy consumption. Low consumption also makes them ideal for applications requiring continuous operation but having limited resources, such as remote sensing projects or instrumentation systems in hazardous environments.

Minimized Installation Complexity

Another essential advantage of using transducers is their relatively easy installation process which frees up time and resources that could then be focused on other application areas instead. Additionally, since many transducers are self-contained units, they can be deployed quickly, which allows for fast response times when measuring physical conditions in specific environments where there may not be much lead time available beforehand!

Finally, since each type of transducer has unique characteristics, selecting the right one for your specific application requirements is essential to ensure maximum accuracy levels and reliability over time with minimal maintenance costs down the road!

Contact Our Experts Today

Becker Wholesale Mine Supply is a reliable and trustworthy manufacturer of transducers that meet the highest performance and durability standards. Refrain from settling for subpar transducers that may cause disruptions and downtime in your operations. Invest in Becker Wholesale Mine Supply’s top-of-the-line products.

Contact Becker Wholesale Mine Supply today to learn more about our selection of transducers and how we can help improve the efficiency and productivity of your operations.

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How Does Underground Mining Work

kristian Gas Monitor, Mining, Uncategorized, Underground Communication, Underground Mining
How does underground mining work

How does underground mining work? Underground mining is a critical process for extracting valuable minerals and resources from the earth. This method of mining involves the excavation of tunnels and shafts, which allow miners to access ore deposits located deep underground. Underground mining can be a dangerous and challenging process, as it requires specialized equipment, techniques, and safety protocols. Despite these challenges, underground mining work remains an essential process for the mining industry and plays a crucial role in the global economy.


The Most Important Feature in a Mine Gas Detector

kristian Gas Monitor, Mining, Underground Mining
Mine gas detector

Mine gas detector in the mining industry are a must for any safety-conscious worker. They provide essential information about the presence of combustible and toxic gasses, enabling miners to take necessary steps to prevent potential harm to themselves or others in their work environment.

If you are ready to outfit your mining team with a personal gas detector, consider the following factors:

1. Sensors That Monitor Gasses in Your Environment

A gas monitor needs to be able to detect the particular gasses that are most likely to be present in your specific mining environment. Research the different types of sensors and ensure they cover all potential hazardous gasses you might encounter. No monitor will provide monitoring for every type of gas, but some are better suited to certain environments than others.

2. Alarms and Alerts

An effective gas detector should be equipped with a loud alarm to notify miners when the set level of gasses has been reached, giving them enough time to react accordingly. Look for a device that also includes audible, visual, and vibration alarms so that workers can detect the presence of danger, even in a noisy environment. 

3. Ease of Use

Personal gas detectors should be user-friendly and easy to operate. This is essential for miners who may need to assess the situation when hazardous gasses are present quickly. Look for models that provide easy-to-read displays with simple push-button controls. 

4. Durability

Mining is a rugged and dangerous activity, often requiring miners to work in harsh conditions. When choosing your detector, make sure it is made with durable material that can withstand the elements and any potential hazards of working underground or off-site locations. 

5. Peer-To-Peer Connections

In today’s digital age, connectivity between devices is key. Look for a personal gas detector capable of connecting to other miners’ detectors, creating a network of linked devices that can work together in detecting hazardous gasses and providing alerts. 

6. Status Alerts and Maintenance Reminders for Calibration

Any good gas detector should also have built-in notifications which remind you when calibration is needed or if there are any issues with the device. This will help ensure that your miners always use a safe and reliable detector. 

7. Flexibility for Your Applications

There are pumped and non-pumped models of gas monitoring, and the type that you need will depend on the type of mining environment you are in. If your mining team needs to move between different locations, look for a model that can easily suit different work sites. 

8. Live Monitoring

Any monitoring device that you invest in today should be something that will last you for the next 5-8 years. Having a monitor that can track live readings of the environment and record data over time can help you to make better decisions when it comes to safety. 

By considering these features when choosing a personal gas detector, miners can feel more confident and better protected in their work environments. Safety should always come first, and the right gas detector can provide miners with the necessary levels of protection that they need to stay safe. 

Contact Us Today

Ensure the safety of your mining operation today! Upgrade to the advanced gas detectors and mining equipment offered by Becker Wholesale Mine Supply. Protect your workers, reduce risks, and improve the overall efficiency of your mining operation with the top-quality products from our team. Call us now, and secure a safer and more productive mining environment with Becker Wholesale Mine Supply.

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Gasses in Mines: What To Expect Underground

kristian Gas Monitor, Mining, Underground Mining
Gasses in mines

Mining is a dangerous industry, and one of the biggest hazards miners face is the threat of toxic gasses in mines. These gasses can be found in underground mines, and if not properly monitored and controlled, they can put the lives of miners at risk. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at the different types of gasses found in mines, the dangers they pose, and the measures that mining companies can take to keep their workers safe.

There are many types of toxic and flammable gasses underground. Underground mining is often done in confined spaces. Because the gasses are difficult to disperse, they can build up. This is an underground danger because of their toxic, explosive or combustible nature.

Becker Wholesale Mine Supply will outline the main gasses found in mines and the ways you can avoid the negative effects of gas exposure.

Types of Gasses in Mines

Underground mines can contain many types of gasses. While some of these gasses can be found naturally, others are created by human activity. These are the most commonly found gasses in mines:

  • Methane
  • Carbon monoxide
  • Hydrogen Sulfide

Each of these gasses can pose a serious risk to miners’ health and safety. Miners need to be aware and take precautions to avoid exposure to each gas.

Carbon Monoxide

It is important to be aware that CO poisoning can occur in underground mines. The colorless and odorless gas CO can be made by generators, combustion engines, or other equipment found in mines. CO can cause headaches, dizziness and nausea. It can even lead to unconsciousness or death in severe cases.

It is important to follow these steps to protect yourself against CO poisoning.

  • Miners can use a sensor to monitor CO levels on a regular basis
  • Check that ventilation systems are working properly
  • Avoid enclosed spaces with gasoline-powered equipment
  • Never leave your engines running in a mine shaft

If you feel the symptoms of CO poisoning, go to fresh air as soon as possible and contact a doctor immediately.


Underground mines are a common place for methane, which can pose a safety risk. Methane, which is extremely explosive, can quickly build up in enclosed spaces to dangerous levels. Mine workers are trained to evacuate immediately after methane is detected by methane detectors.

Underground mines are a common place to find methane. Methane is explosive and can build up in enclosed spaces to dangerous levels. Methane detectors monitor levels in mines and workers need to evacuate immediately after detection.

Over the years, many people have died in methane explosions. It is important that workers are educated about the dangers and how to evacuate safely.

Hydrogen Sulfide

Hydrogen sulfide, which is a colorless and flammable gas, from decomposing organic matter. It can be fatal if inhaled and is common in underground mines. Hydrogen sulfide can cause headaches, nausea, and difficulty in breathing.

High levels of hydrogen sulfide inhaled can cause unconsciousness and even death. Hydrogen sulfide causes suffocation and can interfere with the body’s ability to use oxygen. Concentrations above 100 parts per million (ppm)are dangerous for life and health. Concentrations even lower than 100 parts per million (ppm) can cause eye irritation, dizziness, and coughing.

What is Mine Damp?

Mine damp is a mixture of gasses that are in mines. It usually contains methane, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide. Mine damp can lead to explosions and asphyxiation.

It is vital to ventilate areas where mine damp is present to ensure that it does not cause an explosion. To protect yourself against the fumes, wear a gas mask if you work in areas where mine damp is present.

How to Detect Poisonous Gasses in Coal Mines

It is crucial to be aware that there are potentially dangerous gasses when working in a coal mine. There are many ways to detect poisonous gasses. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. A gas detector is one way to detect poisonous substances. This device measures the concentration of gasses within the air.

Combining several methods is the best way to detect poisonous gasses. Miners can use gas detectors to detect poisonous gasses. These methods will ensure that you’re as safe as possible when working in a coal mine.

Avoiding Toxic Gasses in Mines

Many mining operations involve the use of hazardous materials that can emit toxic gasses. These gasses can pose a danger to workers and even cause death. Miners can prevent these gasses in several ways, including:

Proper ventilation is crucial to prevent the accumulation of toxic gasses. Use ventilation systems to move fresh air through mines to reduce or eliminate dangerous gasses. Ventilation systems can’t eliminate all gasses completely, so miners need to take extra precaution and use gas detectors.

  • Use gas detectors – Miners need to use gas detectors to alert workers about the presence of dangerous gasses. These devices should be taught to workers so they know how to use them and what to do when they detect a gas.
  • Use PPE – Miners need to use personal protective equipment (respirators) to protect them from exposure to dangerous gasses. This equipment should be used by workers who have been properly trained.
  • Good housekeeping – Good housekeeping can prevent the accumulation of dangerous gasses. Keep all areas clean and clear of clutter.
  • Regular maintenance – Proper maintenance can prevent dangerous gasses from escaping. Regular inspection and maintenance of all equipment is important.

These are just some of the many ways mines can reduce the production of toxic gasses. These precautions will help keep workers safe.

Request a Quote

At Becker Wholesale Mine Supply, we understand the importance of keeping miners safe from toxic gasses in the mines. That’s why we provide high-quality gas detectors that can detect a wide range of gasses, including methane, carbon monoxide, and hydrogen sulfide. These gas detectors are crucial for ensuring the safety and well-being of miners, and can help prevent accidents and protect lives.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Protect your workers and ensure a safe working environment by investing in gas detectors from Becker Wholesale Mine Supply today. Call us or visit our website to learn more about our gas detection products and services, or to request a quote. Together, we can make the mining industry a safer place for everyone.

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Tips for Proper Maintenance of Mining Equipment

kristian Mining, Underground Mining
Maintenance of mining equipment

Proper maintenance of mining equipment, including vehicles and conveying systems, will improve productivity and efficiency. Due to the unique nature of mining equipment, workers must take extra care when maintaining and repairing machinery.

Ensure Proper Lubrication

Machinery that isn’t properly lubricated can experience greater stress, be more susceptible to damage and may become less productive. This could lead to a reduction in productivity or even a worker safety hazard. For optimal performance and longevity, mining equipment must be lubricated on a regular basis. However, workers need to know how much lubricant is needed.

Maintain Equipment Clean

Mining is associated with rapid accumulations of dirt, mud, and grit. Dirty equipment can cause problems and stop production. It is important to clean equipment regularly using the correct products and techniques. When possible, machines or other essential parts should be kept in a protected structure or under a tarp.

Address Wear and Tear Immediately

Equipment that is used constantly or under heavy wear can cause even minor damage to quickly escalate. It is important to inspect all mining equipment regularly and address any wear or tear immediately. This will extend the equipment’s life expectancy and increase its performance. Proper maintenance of mining equipment also speeds up mining operations and increase worker safety.

Correctly Train Workers

Employee training is key to the maintenance of mine equipment and conveyors. Mining machinery is extremely specialized and requires specialized knowledge in order to properly service it. Only employees who have received proper training in safety and maintenance should be able to service equipment.

What Is the Importance of Reliability in the Mining Industry?

Proper maintenance of mining equipment gives you and your company the assurance that your machinery will work as you expect it to. It is an essential component of your mining operations.

It Protects You

The recent occupational mining death rate was lower than it was in previous decades. This is due to the advancements in mining equipment that was designed with safety in mind.

It Makes You More Marketable

You can take on more mining projects with consistent equipment while maintaining a low cost per ton. This gives you a competitive edge. It boosts employee confidence: Providing the right equipment and materials is one of the best ways for staff to feel more confident.

It Improves Site Efficiency

Reliable equipment results in lower downtime and greater productivity at the mine site. Minor equipment maintenance and replacement are all that is required.

The Importance of High-Quality Mining Equipment

Your fleet will function properly if your mining machines work efficiently. It is crucial that your equipment is up-to-date. Maintenance of mining equipment also ensures safety for your workers and keep project costs down. This will save you time, stress, as well as the potential dangers of faulty equipment.

Reliable mining equipment is important because it provides:


In 2019, mining equipment was the second leading cause of fatalities. The hazards of stalls and dull brakes, fires or rollovers, electrocution, and other hazards at a mining site are reduced by efficient equipment.


Your team can complete their job faster and more efficiently with well-maintained components such as wheels, tracks, efficiency brakes, and others.


Efficient machines will also reduce your cost per ton, and help you achieve your daily ore goals without causing unnecessary delays.

To assess your equipment’s efficiency, keep accurate logs of all processing times, maintenance, accidents, injuries, parts replacements and fuel prices. Keep track of changes, trends and patterns over time.

Ways to Increase Mining Productivity

Productivity is a key word in the mining industry.

  • Maintain a steady or increasing productivity in materials mined and transported.
  • You are capable of managing safety for crew, equipment and the surrounding environment.
  • You can protect your bottom line by seeking out ways to reduce costs and waste.
  • Perform various tasks accurately while seeking out new ways to improve efficiency.

These tips will show you how to improve your mining productivity.

Keep a Strong Team

While you already know the importance of reliable and efficient mining equipment, the people who use it are just as important. Your mine’s productivity is largely determined by your team.

Training opportunities: Make investments in quality training programs for current and new employees. Continuous training classes are required throughout the year and when necessary to adjust industry benchmarks, staff restructuring and new equipment.

Collecting feedback from employees: Have open meetings, questionnaires, and one-on-one conversations with employees to gather feedback about their job performance. These changes will create a healthier work environment and give your employees the tools they need for success.

Employee cross-training: Cross-train the best workers in different industries, such as mining components, job tasks, or special equipment. This will lower the cost of hiring additional help and increase your long-term career prospects for your existing employees.

Prepare the team before you start working on a project: Site issues, prerequisites, long-term goals, and site guidelines are all important for safe and efficient equipment operation. Provide site-specific training if necessary.

Safety and health are essential: Avoid dangerous and life-threatening situations by prioritizing safety and health in your procurement and assignment decisions. Although hazardous working conditions can be dangerous, they can also prove costly. Mining injuries can cause costly downtime, and could even result in the destruction of equipment or resources.

Maximize Your Time and Use Your Resources

Your company will have a competitive edge if you maximize your time and resources. This allows your team and suppliers to work more efficiently, protects profits and helps you gain a competitive advantage. Two ways to significantly improve your fleet, toolkits, and practices are waste management and automated systems.

To be productive and protect the environment, it is important to minimize site and material waste. This is especially true in non-renewable resource areas. Your knowledge of green practices could be used to adapt to new jobs that have stricter mining regulations. This will reduce the need for additional training and give you an advantage over those who don’t already have waste management training.

Make use of techniques and material equipment upgrades to automate as many routine tasks as possible. This includes supply inventory management to prevent oversupply and monitoring and filling purchase orders for additional materials. It also automatically schedules fleet preventive maintenance.

Contact Us

Becker Wholesale Mine Supply is a mine-supply company that has been in the mining industry for more than a decade now. We focus on producing and selling mining equipment to improve your productivity and keep you and your miners safe at work. For more information on what we offer, contact our team today.

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