Wireless Radio Networks Save Miners Every Day

admin Mining Communication
Wireless Radio Networks Save Miners Every Day

Leaky Feeder Communication

The most advanced solution for mining communications was until recently, a leaky feeder. Leaky feeders can transmit wireless radio network frequencies that save miners! They are similar to coaxial cables, which transmit a signal from one point to the next. Coaxial cables are usually protected by a copper sheath around the cable to stop the signal from leaking throughout its length. You might not be capable of detecting signals with a radio from the other endpoint if the network has a long cable, unlike a wireless radio network.

Leaky feeders can be very different. Leaky feeders have small gaps in their shielding that allow the signal to pass instead of being covered with a copper shield. These gaps create a restricted wireless radio network environment. To compensate for the loss of signal, line amplifiers and repeaters increase the signal at regular intervals on the cable. Leaky feeders can be interfaced with wireless devices. They can transmit and receive radio signals over the cable. Data can include voice, video, and computer data. You can control stationary equipment such as water pumps with radio receivers by using signals from the leaky feeder for a wireless radio network. To receive and transmit signals, you must still be within 300 feet (91.4m) of the cable.

A leaky feeder cable has one advantage: it can be laid down while you excavate a mine. Splitters can be used to send different lengths of cable along different routes. Flexible cable makes it easy to move the network around corners and curves. If necessary, you can feed cable directly down a hole. Leaky feeder systems have a few downsides. Communications will stop if the cable is cut. Multiple leaky feeder cables can cause interference in the system. Leaky feeder radio frequencies are more common in the high-end spectrum. These frequencies can’t penetrate rock very well.

Four leaky feeder systems have been approved by the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA), which is the US government agency responsible for overseeing safety concerns in miner safety.

Mesh Networks

Mesh networks can be used in place of leaky feeders. A mesh network does not require a cable as a leaky feeder system. Let’s look closer at how wireless mesh networks can make mining safer. A mesh network transmits a wireless signal using a system called nodes. A node is basically a wireless router. The node is equipped with special software that allows it to communicate and collaborate with other nodes. Dynamic routing is used by the nodes to determine the best route for data transfers. The node location, data traffic, and other environmental factors can all influence the best route. Some nodes are mobile, most importantly.


A minimum of one node must be in a fixed location. This node acts as a bridge between the mesh and larger networks like the Internet. A radio tower connected to the Internet could serve as the main fixed point for a mine. Multiple fixed nodes are a common feature in mines to provide a strong foundation for the mesh network. Wireless mesh networks operate on one of two wireless radio network frequencies, 2.4 gigahertz for the IEEE 802.11 protocol or 900 megahertz for the IEEE 802.15 protocol. Both have issues broadcasting signals around corners so it may be necessary for the network to have a node at every corner. These protocols did not interfere with any other communication systems in mines, according to the MSHA.

The nodes do not have to be large. Many are approximately the same size as a typical wireless router. This makes it simple for miners to attach nodes on heavy equipment. Nodes can be used even when in motion, but at a slower bit speed. This means that many mining vehicles can transport the nodes. To monitor the mine conditions, you can also wire nodes to sensors. The node can transmit signals to the rest of the network if danger is averted. You can also build electronic badges that communicate with the mesh network. This allows the network to track individual miners’ locations. Different nodes will detect the badge of the miner as the miner moves through it. The mining company can determine if a section of the mine is hazardous and then evacuate it. To communicate with the surface, miners can use personal radios and voice-over-Internet protocol ( VOIP) phones.

While mesh networks can be used to prevent accidents, what happens if a part of the tunnel collapses? Unfortunately, mesh networks’ wireless protocols aren’t very efficient at reaching the earth. You need a system that works on extremely low frequencies to achieve this. A through-the-earth system (TTE), was tested by the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA). It could penetrate rock up to 270 feet (82.3 meters). Data transfer was slow at 20-30 characters per minute, with an accuracy of 80 percent at depths up to 630 feet (192 meters). A TTE system could be capable of broadcasting further through solid ground. The downside is the slow data transfer speed. However, the MSHA discovered that TTE systems can interfere with other communication systems in mines.

To get back to the surface, miners use a wireless radio network. A reliable communication network can make the difference between life or death, considering how hazardous their job is. Contact us today for more information!



How Does a Gas Detector Work?

admin Gas Monitor
How Does a Gas Detector Work

In many cases, gas detectors can save lives. We have the answer to your questions about gas detectors. Did you know gas leaks are a problem all over the United States? Gas detector technology is the best way to prevent gas leaks from causing serious health problems. What is a gas detector? How Does a Gas Detector Work?

All your questions are welcome. Continue reading to learn all about it.

What Does a Gas Detector Do?

The gas leak signs you can’t ignore are:

  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Rotten egg smell
  • Abdominal pain
  • Nausea
  • Loss of muscle control

A gas detector can detect a leak before these symptoms become serious. It monitors different gas levels in the atmosphere.

These devices are usually powered by batteries and are used for safety. They sound a series of hard-to-miss beeps when they detect an abnormally high concentration of gas in the atmosphere.

They operate on a threshold system. This means that there may be up to a certain level of gas in the air before an alarm is triggered to send out a warning message.

As you can see, the primary purpose of a gas detector is to prevent health hazards and provide safety measures to check the gas level in the air.

Different Gas Detector Technologies

There are many types of gas sensor technology that work to protect people.

These are just a few of the many and how they work.

  1. Electrochemical sensors: These highly sensitive detectors are used to measure toxic gases like carbon monoxide. These sensors detect electrodes in the air and emit an electrical signal to warn of potential danger.
  2. Infrared sensors are used to detect levels of combustible gas in the air. These sensors are used specifically to measure hydrocarbon gas. They transmit light signals and then receive them back through their light detectors. The gas detector can detect if the light signals are not clear and tell the gas detector what gas is present in the area.
  3. Catalytic sensors are a type of sensor that is found in many common gas detectors. The platinum-treated wire coil is inside and trips a warning if it oxidizes due to contact with combustible gases, such as carbon monoxide.

There are many cool technologies available for measuring gas levels in the air, as you can see.

Next Steps For Gas Safety

Gas leaks are everywhere and mostly harmless. Gas detectors can be a great tool to protect yourself from the negative health effects of toxic gases exposure. Are you looking for gas detector technology that will keep you safe at work? We’ve got you covered. Check out our gas detector technology to find the perfect fit for you. For toxic gas detection, we can provide you with expert support and advice. Contact us today to learn more!

The Most Dangerous Gases In Mining

admin Gas Monitor
The Most Dangerous Gases In Mining

It is obvious that air is essential for our survival. The air we inhale on the surface of the earth is made up of a mix of various gases, including carbon dioxide, nitrogen, argon, and oxygen. The air contains 21% oxygen, which is the best. The oxygen levels in the airdrop when other gases are present, and this is where the trouble starts. Here we will talk about the most dangerous gases in mining. 

Mine air can become contaminated by other gases like methane, hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, and excess carbon dioxide. These gases cannot always disperse in confined spaces and can build up in mines. This is due to their combustible and explosive or toxic properties.

These gases are also known as mine damps. The German word Dampf means “vapor”. They are not one gas, but a toxic or explosive combination of several gases that has a varying impact on mine safety and human health.

These damps can be produced by mining operations, including drilling and blasting. They are also released by mining machinery like diesel and gasoline motors.

The most efficient way of preventing these gases in mines is the incorporation of high-quality mining ventilation systems as well as the use of early detection devices. One dangerous mine atmosphere is one that is explosive or toxic. There are many damps that can create this type of atmosphere:


Black damp

White damp


Methane Gas (CH4)

Firedamp refers to a group of explosive gases found underground. Firedamp is mostly methane, and miners often use methane as an interchangeable term for it.

Methane (CH4) can be colorless, odorless, and explosive. It occurs naturally in coal seams and shale deposits and is a major component of the natural gas that we burn for energy. Over millions of years, methane gas builds up in pockets of coal and other strata. It can be released when the coal is mined. The mining machinery can penetrate the pockets and release methane gas into the pit, where explosive mixtures may form. Methane is 0.55 times denser than air. Methane is much lighter than air and tends to accumulate in enclosed areas with little ventilation.

At levels between 4 to 16%, methane can be combustible. Below this level, there isn’t enough methane to ignite and above it, the mixture is too dense for explosive purposes. 9.5% is the safest level of methane found in the air. This is where it finds its perilous balance. These levels of methane can be ignited by a naked flame or sparks from a machine. Insufficient amounts, methane can also displace oxygen from the atmosphere and cause asphyxia in people who inhale it. If the oxygen level drops below 6%, it can cause dizziness, headaches, nausea, and even death. This makes it sensible to avoid any buildup of highly flammable gas. Quality mine ventilation is a good way to do this.

Second, dangerous gases in mining should be monitored and detected. This was often done by using a test flame. A candlelit with a naked flame was originally an indicator of danger. The flame tip would have to be changed. As you can see, a flame is an obvious means of ignition. If it gets too close, gas explosions will occur. The safety lamp was created to allow coal mines to test for gases and still be able to work in potentially explosive or flammable air.

Carbon Dioxide, (CO2)

Black damp refers to the mining term for the suffocating mix of carbon dioxide, unbreathable gases, which can build up in mines and cause poisoning, asphyxiation, and eventually death. CO2, a colorless and noxious gas, emits a faint acrid scent at higher concentrations. This makes it difficult to recognize through the human senses. Although carbon dioxide is not harmful by itself, it can reduce the amount of oxygen that one can inhale. Although the early signs of blackdamp, such as dizziness, lightheadedness, and drowsiness can be mistakenly thought to be simple fatigue, high doses of carbon dioxide will cause asphyxiation, which can lead to death in a matter of seconds. It can kill 18% of the air, but levels as low as 3% can cause breathing problems. Carbon dioxide is formed by the breakdown of organic materials such as mine timbers and human and animal respiratory. Once the coal is exposed to mine air, it will absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide that is higher in density than normal air (1.53) will accumulate in the mine’s lower-lying areas.

The accumulation of blackdamp in a mine is caused predominantly by poor ventilation however other factors can be attributed such as the temperature, the amount of exposed coal, and the type of coal. It is colorless, odorless, and tasteless which makes it difficult for humans to identify. It is often called a “silent killer”. Carbon monoxide is formed from the incomplete combustion of carbon.

Modern equipment can now detect carbon monoxide easily without risk to your life.

Stinkdamp – Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)

Stinkdamp refers to the mining term for hydrogen sulfide, H2S, because of its distinctive smell of rotten eggs. Hydrogen sulfide can be poisonous, flammable, and colorless. It is also pungent-smelling. Although it has been rare to find in mines, small amounts can prove fatal.

It is formed by the decomposition of iron pyrites within a mine and their interaction. Asphyxiation can cause death in humans, as H2S is highly toxic.

It can irritate the eyes and nose and throat at lower levels. As it increases, it has a narcotic effect on the nervous system, causing headaches, dizziness, and difficulty breathing. Higher levels of H2S exposure can cause paralysis and even death. Chronic low exposure can cause bronchitis and pneumonia, as well as migraines, motor control problems, and even death. It can also create flammable mixtures in the air between 4.5 and 45%, where ignition could cause an explosion. It can build up in mines with poor ventilation because of its heavy density of 1.9.

Prevention & Detection Of Mine Gases

The most effective, safe, and efficient way of keeping dangerous gases in mining away is done through quality mining ventilation systems. Mine ventilation is a safe flow through a mine’s workings at a measured volume. It removes dangerous gases in mining, chemicals, and physical contaminants and regulates the temperature.

Over the years, the detection of dangerous gases in mines evolved. Some techniques have become traditions in the mining culture. The canary is a symbol of gas testing in mines. It also serves as a test flame and flame safety lamp.

Although the canaries were lucky and safety lamps are still in use, there is now enough detection equipment and means to detect gas, including gas monitors and chemical analysis. If you are interested in getting gas monitors for your crew contact us today!

Underground Mine Communications: A Brief History

admin Mining Communication
Underground Mine Communications: A Brief History

A reliable and efficient communication system is essential for creating a safe, productive, and efficient mine. The history of materials extraction technology dates back many centuries. However, the era of underground mine communications systems can be traced back to the last century.

Just as above ground, the invention of the telephone triggered the mining communication revolution. Prior to the invention of the telephone, mine shaft communication was primarily based on bells and whistle signaling systems. Mines started to use ruggedized telephones that were connected via cables strung through the mines in the early 20th Century. Although the phones were the same as the ones above ground, they were enclosed in cast iron housings to protect them from the extreme temperatures, humidity, dust, or corrosive environments that can be found in a mine. Most phone systems were either based on a magneto (crank-ringer) format. These systems are still widely used today. They use a party-line format with one telephone per section and additional phones at key locations above or below ground. These systems are easy to set up and maintain due to their hard-wired design. However, miners will often have to stop working in order to use them.

The introduction of hoist-rope and trolley-carrier-based communication systems was made possible by the increased automation of mining in the 20th century. These carrier current systems use electrical connections to drive electric haulage systems. Because they are piggy-back systems, both systems are simple to install and provide strong mechanical strength. They are dependent on carrier frequency.

Radio made underground mine communications possible. Nicola Tesla investigated the possibility of using extremely low frequency (ELF), and naturally occurring minerals in mine structures, as a means of TTE (through-the Earth) communication. In the 1940s, South African gold mines were home to the first successful TTE system. In-mine research of ultra-high frequency and very high-frequency communications (VHF/UHF), began in the 1970s. Wave propagation in mine environments is difficult because of the complex topography, dynamic nature of mining operations, and the elements of the mine structures. Radio signals behave differently underground than in above-ground mines.

The “leaky feeder” mining communication system is a hybrid system, which was developed in the 1970s. The system combines both wired and wireless communication to ensure robust and flexible communication even in difficult mine environments. The backbone of the system is the leaky feeder cable. This is a coaxial cable with sections of the outer shielding that are shaved off during manufacture to allow RF signals to “leak out” (or leak in). It functions as an antenna and provides a communication path for radio transmissions within the mine. A repeater is connected to a leaky feeder cable. This cable is then extended into the mine with line amplifiers and repeaters to compensate the signal loss. Mining communications technology has advanced just as much in the last century as mineral extraction technology. We now have wireless communication systems which allow people on the surface to communicate with equipment and people miles below them, increasing safety and efficiency, as well as safety.

If you would like to learn more about Becker communications contact us today!


admin Product Review

The UHF leaky feeder system is designed for rugged outdoor applications where high durability and low power consumption are required. The UHF leaky feeder system is designed to be mounted on a mast or pole and can extend up to 25 feet. As the system is not a mobile device, it extends the transmission coverage area by extending the range of the transmitter antenna. 

The UHF leaky feeder still has a WiFi terminal connection for easy configuration management from an Android or iOS phone or tablet that comes with Becker’s Connect app pre-installed.

Becker Communications recently released a powerful UHF Leaky Feeder System with various features that provide for reliability, robust performance, and maintainability. Leveraging off the successful and original Smartcom®, Becker has now provided an option for all mines to access the world’s premium UHF Leaky Feeder System.

The Leaky Feeder System has been designed with the newest technology available in mind. The new system incorporates the same ground-breaking features as its predecessor, including configurable channel spacing and robust repeat-beaming technology. Unlike some competitive offerings, LEAKY FEEDER uses the latest high-performance modems designed for reliability, resulting in fewer down days and lower maintenance costs.

Leaky Feeder has been a game-changer for us, allowing us to regain control of our communications. The DEPTH™ technology was initially launched in 2010 and has helped over 40% of our customers achieve the highest level of performance possible in their environments. The new LEAKY FEEDER system will provide an option for all mines to access the world’s premium UHF LEAKY FEEDER System,

Features of New UHFLEAKY FEEDER System by Becker Communication

  • Configurable channel spacing (either 2MHz or 4MHz) with or without repeat-beaming technology, giving users the flexibility to adjust their radio systems based on individual requirements.
  • Designed for ease of installation in all types of mining environments, including hard rock mines and deep underground mines. Using a newly developed remote interface adapter, the new feeder system can be installed from an outside controller/monitor location rather than running cable through the mine’s ground system.
  • Offers a standard HS1177 protocol (AMBE II) and utilizes the latest high-performance modems specifically designed for reliability.
  • The new UHF LEAKY FEEDER System offers the best performance and reliability available, requiring fewer repeat-beams than competitive offerings.
  • Offers the same reliability engineering and design as our existing Smartcom product line (including DEPTH™ technology), resulting in fewer down days for customers.

The Becker team is excited to be able to offer another option for our customers to get the most out of their communications system.

How the Becker Communication’s UHFLEAKY FEEDER System is unique from other leaky feeder systems in the market?

  • Repeat-beaming technology specifically designed to work even in the most challenging environments and mine conditions.
  • A proprietary remote interface adapter that allows for easy installations in hard rock mines and deep underground mines.
  • The UHF LEAKY FEEDER System offers configuration options such as 2MHz or 4MHz channel spacing, depending on the customer’s needs.
  • No one likes to be dependent on a single source for communication. Our customers appreciate the redundancy we offer, and they know that this redundancy is of outstanding reliability. The new standard UHF Leaky Feeder System allows users to have that same reliability in every element of their operations.

About Becker Communication

Becker Communication Ltd. is the world’s leading supplier of Plug-N-Play transmission systems for use in the mining and oil and gas industries. Leveraging off the success of Becker’s original Smartcom® software, Becker has gained a reputation for innovation and exceptional performance.

Becker’s product solutions are designed to provide customers with an industry-leading total cost of ownership. By leveraging the latest technology and utilizing proven design techniques, Becker is able to eliminate costly downtime and unreliability issues. If you would like to learn more visit our home page or contact us today!

Features of the Kenwood NX-203/303 Safety Radios

admin Mining Communication
Kenwood NX-203/303 Radios

Suppose you’ve never heard of a Radioless remote control handheld radio. In that case, I’d like to tell you about the features of the Kenwood NX-203/303 safety radios. These are perfect for work, especially if you don’t want to switch between devices!

The Kenwood NX-203/303 radios have a range between 800 and 5,000 yards and have 126 channels. They run on 3 AAA batteries. There is an LED display for the channels or functions, and there are forward and rear-facing speakers. If you use the Kenwood NX-203/303 safety radios for work, you will be able to use the flashlight feature to stay safe in low light conditions.

It’s very easy to find a channel in these handheld radios – there’s a frequency readout that shows what channel you are on, so it’s simple to pick the correct channel. With one-touch locking buttons, you can lock on to the existing channel and save this frequency for future calls.

The Kenwood NX-203/303 safety radios are great for handling certain situations. They have a high power output, which is perfect for things like cruise control or warning lights.

There’s a keypad lock so other family members or friends can’t give you commands, and there are even alarm settings that will sound an alarm at preset times.

The Kenwood NX-203/303 safety radios have a volume control that can be turned up for clearer reception. They also have an automatic squelch.

With the Kenwood NX-203/303 radios, you will be able to use these features:

Automatic number identification (ANI) operation – there are two different ANI systems so that you can choose either one. This means you only need to key in one digit at a time.

Automatic channel number identification (ACK) operation – there are two different ACK systems so that you can choose either one. This means that the radio will automatically store the channel number for future use.

Headset (hands-free operation) – the Kenwood NX-203/303 radios have this feature that allows you to talk on your phone without touching a thing. You’ll be able to walk around and still talk on the phone.

A couple of other features make the Kenwood NX-203/303 safety radios easy to use. You can set a timer so that you’ll never miss anything again. There is an adjustable timer that you can use for everything from setting your wake-up call to your reminders.

The Kenwood NX-203/303 safety radio is very affordable, so it will be easy to buy one for your workplace. There are a ton of features, and this is an inexpensive radio.

You can use the Kenwood NX-203/303 safety radios with your existing phone lines or cordless telephones – they have multiple features that make them easy to use. They’re lightweight, so you won’t have a hard time moving from one place to another. With one-touch locking buttons, you’ll be able to lock on to the existing channel and save this frequency for future calls. If you need to change channels, it’s easy to do so with the push of a button.

Suppose you use these radio accessories for work. In that case, whether it’s at a construction site or as an electrician, these handheld radios are very easy to operate. You’ll be able to stay in communication with your team – and if you ever have to leave the site, you can do so easily.

You’ll be able to stay safe with these handheld radios when you are out and about. There’s a flashlight feature that will come in handy if you need it, as well as a keypad lock. Suppose other family members or employees give you unwanted frequency commands. In that case, there is a feature that will block them from doing so.

Now you can have peace of mind when you’re in certain situations. The Kenwood NX-203/303 safety radios are advanced and easy to use, and you will be able to put their features to good use.

If you want to get the most out of your handheld radio, the Kenwood NX-203/303 safety radio is a great option. They can be used on almost any frequency and are lightweight so that you can move from one place to another with ease. If you would like to get these radios you can view them here!

Mining Safety Starts With Communication Devices

admin Mining Communication
Communication Devices

Good communication devices will help you avoid accidents in the mining industry.

If you work in the mining industry, it’s your responsibility to stay safe and be aware of dangers. Good communication devices, such as radios or personal alert systems can help make this possible.

Security personnel in the mining industry use hand signals to communicate. A signal is a special movement that lets others know what’s going on. You can use special hand signals to help avoid accidents in your mining operation. For example, if you’re operating a transport vehicle, you might point your thumb to the right to let others know you’re turning right.

Some companies require miners who work underground to wear electronic communication devices called personal alert systems (PAS). These devices work like radio beepers and can send a signal to let workers know they need to head surface.

A radio is another device that will help keep miners safe. It’s dangerous when miners work underground, where it’s hard to see each other around equipment and buildings. Radio communications allow miners to stay in contact with the surface, which reduces the risk of underground accidents.

Communication devices help to avoid accidents in mining sites. Workers from above the ground or below the surface are susceptible to fragmentation of rock and rockfall, literally raining down on them from above or blast from below. This is why cave in protection systems, such as rock bolting and cage bolting, are needed. When the ground may collapse beneath you, having a communication device that automatically alerts your colleagues to that fact can help save your life.

Fortunately enough, the mining industry has dramatically improved its safety record over the last century. The use of mining communication devices and PAS systems has become more widespread over time. It has helped reduce hazards in mining operations.

Your company should also have an emergency medical plan for accidents and injuries. Another good safety practice is to train your employees on the safe use of the equipment and how to respond to emergencies. They must also know how to use communication devices such as beepers or personal alert systems.

If you’re ever in a situation where you think someone needs help, don’t hesitate to call for assistance. The person you’re calling may be unable to hear or understand what you’re saying due to hearing loss or impaired vision. However, by using a voice transmitter or telecommunicator, you can relay your message to others and they will call for help.

In most cases, a network of beeper devices is able to recognize an emergency situation without the need for an operator to press the button. For example, miners can go underground using their handheld beepers as they descend if a mine cave-in occurs. One person on the surface can also use this as an opportunity to contact others out on foot who can assist in the rescue effort.

Usually, the beeper signals are composed of a number of different tones that tell someone exactly where on a map your location is. The signal considers the surrounding noise, which makes it easier to locate you. Beepers are also useful in areas where there is no cell phone service. The beeper devices will then work as a distress signal or sign that indicates an emergency situation.

According to many statistics, 75% of an employee’s safety depends on communication between them and their supervisors (Ryan & Laughlin, 2009). Therefore, it is important that supervisors understand how to use communication devices (beepers) and PAS systems in the mining industry. The communication devices that can be used are portable or hands-free.

First and foremost, it is important for supervisors to know that they can always contact their employees using PAS systems or other communication devices such as beepers. It is also important to be aware of the consequences of not following safety guidelines when using communications devices such as beepers and personal alert systems. If you would like to learn more about mining radios contact us today!

The Benefits of a VHF Leaky Feeder System

admin Mining Communication
The Benefits of a VHF Leaky Feeder System

Whenever we change something, there could be positive or negative effects associated with such an action. However, when you make changes to improve business processes or increase productivity, then these can have drastic effects on your organization’s overall performance. In this article, we will talk about the benefits of a VHF Leaky Feeder System.

One of the key areas of investment in any mining operation is the feeder systems. These are the systems that feed minerals into the mining equipment and can also be used for storing minerals and treating them before they are loaded into trucks for delivery to customers. Feeder systems can also help ensure that minerals found in a mine are properly treated. This is a crucial element to consider as it could impact production results.

Feeder systems are an important investment for any mining operation. The type of feeder system used can directly impact the overall performance of a mining operation. This is because of these systems’ innovative design and features, which means they have advanced control mechanisms that help increase productivity and efficiency.

As you would expect, with any investment in the mining industry, finding and implementing an effective feeder system requires extensive research. This is because the feeder system needs to be able to provide proper connectivity between the conveyor belt system, mineral storage, and recovery systems, and any other equipment used at the mine. To ensure that all of these systems are connected effectively, it is important to have a feeder system that uses a lightweight, highly durable, and efficient system.

There are many different types of systems available on the market today, but one of these that has become increasingly popular in recent years is a VHF leaky feeder system. This system has several advantages that make them an ideal choice for mining operations.

One of the main advantages associated with using a VHF leaky feeder system in any mining operation is that it prevents any signal leakage. This means that the signal from a high-frequency transmitter will only travel through the system and not around it or outside of it. To understand why this is important, you need to know how a VHF leaky feeder operates within a mining operation.

The VHF leaky feeder system is used to transmit the signal from a high-frequency transmitter located in the control room. The system will then transmit this signal to either a relay or breaker panel at the other end of the system. The signal is then switched on or off based on how far it has traveled and where it is going. The length of this system can be very long, but it will still never travel out of the area in which it was installed.

VHF leaky feeder systems also come with advanced features that make them an excellent choice for several different industries, and the mining industry is no exception. For example, they have been widely used in past years to provide extremely efficient transmission within the oil sector. As well as being able to transmit signals over long distances, this type of system is also capable of carrying a large amount of data in a short period of time.

In addition to this, the VHF leaky feeder system has several other advantages associated with its use. It is very easy to install, for starters, since it does not need to be buried in the ground. This means that you can easily install a comprehensive system in a short period of time without having to dig deep trenches around the area where the system is being installed.

You must find and implement an effective feeder system in your organization before you expect production to increase. This will help improve productivity and efficiency within your organization and ensure that the production targets you have set are met. If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of a VHF Leaky Feeder System contact us today!

Why Are Gas Monitoring Systems Important?

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Why Are Gas Monitoring Systems Important?

Gas monitoring systems are most commonly found in indoor areas and mining. The most common types of gas that are being monitored are carbon monoxide, methane, and oxygen. Gas monitoring systems have sensors placed throughout the area that will detect if an unsafe gas level is detected or higher than what is safe for humans to inhale. 

Why would it be important to have a gas monitor system?

Gas monitoring systems are important because they provide a means to monitor the amount of gas present in an area and whether or not it’s at a safe level for people to breathe. It allows individuals to know if they need to get out of the area before they become sick and, in some cases, die. It provides a warning system for people to evacuate the site and get fresh air.

There have been cases where buildings were filled with carbon monoxide, leading to fatal results. Having a gas monitor would have alerted building owners and tenants of the problem, and they could have taken precautions. 

In certain areas, especially older buildings, methane gas can build up in the area. If there is a leak in the natural gas lines or cracks in the pipes, methane gas will leak into the building or room. There have been incidents where people died from inhaling too much methane.

How does a gas monitoring system work?

Gas monitoring systems consist of sensors that are placed throughout an area to detect the amount of gas and a means to display it. They also include a mechanism to alert individuals if they need to evacuate the area due to unsafe gas levels in the air. 

An example of a gas monitoring system is found on submarines. A submarine uses the same type of gas sensors to detect leaks in the air supply to the submarine. A light goes on when there is too much oxygen in the air, and a buzzer sounds when there is enough. This way, crew members are aware of what is happening and can take action if needed. 

Many fire alarm systems found throughout buildings today contain sensors that alert individuals and help create an evacuation plan in case of a fire. 

Gas monitoring systems can be found in air to air or air to ground systems. They are used to detect leaks that can end up in the upper levels of buildings or rooms. Sometimes they are found on the roof of a building and on the floor where any gas that might leak from an area will use the same system. 

A typical gas monitoring system will detect all gases present in an area, including oxygen, carbon monoxide, and methane.

Becker Communication’s gas monitoring systems

Becker Communication’s addressable gas monitoring systems provide a way to monitor all gas levels in the home. The system is easy to install and low-cost. It provides a complete overview of the gas that enters a building or room and alerts individuals or automates gas detection if there are high levels of gas present.

Becker Communication’s addressable gas monitoring systems consist of sensors that detect the amount and type of gases, with the ability to identify if there is an excess amount of specific gases. The sensors are housed in a metal housing that can be used for multiple functions. Once they have been placed in place, they can be connected to an alarm system.


As we can see, gas monitoring systems are important tools in case of emergencies and provide peace of mind. If you would like to learn more contact us today!

Do Radios Work In Tunnels?

admin Mining Communication
Do Radios Work In Tunnels

Have you ever wondered do radios work in tunnels? Or maybe you’ve tried to use a radio in the tunnels, and it doesn’t seem to be transmitted properly. If that’s the case, then fear not, we’re here to help. After reading this article, we hope that you’ll be able to answer that question for yourself! Let’s jump into it.

Tunnels and underground spaces are notorious for being “radio-shadowed”. This is a term that refers to the inability of a radio signal to propagate properly without obstruction. Due to the construction of tunnels, there is usually a tunnel boring machine or some other large machinery that is in place, which can prevent radio transmission.

Another reason has been that there has been a lot of interference from many sources in the past, including the AMTRAK train. The issue is now resolved, and there are no longer any issues with interference between radio transmission and AMTRAK trains.

We have found to avoid the issue of not being able to use your radio in a tunnel to use a mobile repeater or radio repeater station. A portable repeater or radio repeater station can be housed indoors for indoor use in buildings. Or, they can be mounted on the outside of the tunnel for outdoor use in tunnels.

With a portable radio system found at Becker Communications that is either handheld or mounted on your vehicle, you won’t experience any issues when you’re out on an adventure and exploring.

Also, we recommend that you use a directional antenna to reduce the problem with radio shadowing. This will help to get the signal in the right direction and eliminate interference from other areas of your surroundings.

By using our Kenwood NX-203/303 Radios, you will be able to eliminate interference. If you would like to learn more contact us today!