Gas Monitoring Devices For Underground Mining

kristian Gas Monitor, Underground Mining
Gas Monitoring Devices For Underground Mining

Gas monitoring is a crucial safety mechanism in any mining site. These mobile systems are installed to check for the presence of various harmful gasses that could be flammable or dangerous to human health. Typical gas monitoring devices will monitor for the presence of methane, carbon monoxide, and volatile organic compounds. We offer gas monitoring devices for underground mining.

Methane is usually found in coal mines and must be monitored at all times to ensure that there are not dangerous concentrations of this explosive gas. 

The formation of Methane (CH4) occurs when coal is exposed to air, therefore it is important for methane monitoring equipment to always function properly, especially in areas where the air pressure has dropped during drilling or transporting material. 

Methane is considered to be 100 times more explosive than normal air, so it is extremely dangerous to mine workers unless there are measures in place that can detect the methane and ventilate the area before any coal miner tries to enter.

A less common gas found in mines is carbon monoxide (CO). Carbon monoxide is a product of the combustion of carbon, and can be found in coal mines as methane burns away. 

Carbon monoxide monitoring devices are typically used for gasses that have less stringent regulations, as many countries do not consider it to be as dangerous as methane or other flammable gasses. This monitoring device is a crucial part of any underground mining site, as exposure to the deadly gas can lead to death or serious injury.

Carbon monoxide detectors are typically installed in areas where there may be methane gas present because methane detectors cannot detect carbon monoxide. 

Our systems can be installed for mobile gas detection and they will detect the presence of gas in the air. They can be placed in hard-to-access areas and detect even trace amounts of gasses in the air quality.  

Our systems will deliver an instant alert to any digital radio or smart device linked to our monitors through Bluetooth.  Notifications can be customized to suit your needs and reporting data can be created to work through accident prevention in the future. 

Full scale alerts and linkage through the mining digital network will speed up evacuation plans and ensure that miners working on-site and across multiple sites are able to get instant alerts when they count. 

You can visit our website for more information about gas monitoring or check back for future articles on our monitoring technology. Regularly updating your alarms and making sure that you have the best technology will keep your business as safe as possible and work to prevent accidents on your job site. 

We have a great selection of gas detectors and these systems will help you keep your miners safe from harmful gasses that could be present in any underground mining site. For the best gas detection for mines, it’s important to have automated devices to provide you with enhanced safety. 

Contact us today to learn more about the latest gas monitoring devices for underground mining and how they can be made to suit the needs of your mining site.

Why Is Radio Communication In Tunnels So Important?

kristian Mining Communication, Underground Communication
Why Is Radio Communication In Tunnels So Important?

A very common question we get is ” why is radio communication in tunnels so important? ” here we will answer this question. In the mining industry, communication remains an important solution to keeping miners safe and ensuring that equipment can be preserved as well. Communication can prevent accidents and improve efficiency in a mine site. Because mines are extremely challenging environments, it’s not easy to maintain communications through traditional means like a smartphone or traditional radio. Uninterrupted and quality communications require the use of dependable electronics and a communication system that can work even deep underground with real-time data transfer and clear voice communications. 

Recently, the use of digital radios has been one method to improve communication in the mining sector. With more modern mobile phones able to tap into mobile broadband networks, it’s possible for smartphones or tablets with apps to be used as a remote control solution for heavy machinery, making communication more interactive. In some cases, communication apps for smartphones might be the only communication device needed as they can communicate through a Wi-Fi connection with other workers on-site to avoid the mining environment from disrupting the communication network. 

These digital radio systems often integrate with mines’ leaky feeder system to provide clear and uninterrupted communication between workers and machines. The digital radio systems can also be equipped with a built-in Global Positioning System (GPS) to track the operators’ location and share it over the wireless network, ensuring that other mine workers or supervisors can always know where their colleagues are.

Radio communications can help all workers to remain coordinated, to react quickly in an emergency, and to stay safe. It also improves the safety of machines and reduces repair costs due to damaged machine components.

With the amount of heavy machinery and noise in a mine, it is often difficult for workers to maintain the safe communication they need to work efficiently. A radio can let a worker communicate with the surface easily, give instructions on the use of equipment based on reports for material deposits and more.

Our communication system works with low-power transmitters placed throughout the tunnel system through the leaky feeder lines. These transmitters offer a range of broadcasts for each section of the mine. Each area has a receiver that receives the signal and broadcasts it to all radios throughout the chain on the same channel. This system is what allows us to have voice communication throughout the mine site – no matter how deep underground – without interfering with other communications. This is a crucial piece of communication technology as we continue to mine deeper. 

Gas monitoring systems and alarms can also be integrated with the radio system to ensure that there is an automatic alert when the presence of gas or an emergency is detected. 

The mining industry is dependent on good communication with reliable equipment to ensure safety and productivity. I hope this article was able to answer your question – ” Why Is Radio Communication In Tunnels So Important? “

Digital radios provide better quality transmissions in harsh conditions, while apps designed for heavy machinery reduce the time needed to complete jobs. The use of mobile broadband technology in mining is a critical step for your business’s safety. If you would like to learn more about the latest in mining communication, contact us today. 

The Best Gas Monitoring System On The Market

kristian Gas Monitor
The Best Gas Monitoring System On The Market

Gas monitoring systems are crucial for measuring the level of gas and other contaminants in a mining site or building. These systems are typically installed to ensure that at the first sign of a leaking gas on a construction or mining site, all workers can vacate. These alarms can prevent accidents and ensure that people are safe. Becker Wholesale Mine Supply offers the best gas monitoring system on the market. You can view it here!

A typical gas system will monitor for the signs of methane, carbon dioxide, volatile organic compounds and more. These gas leak systems are crucial in mining sites worldwide and they can be extremely beneficial throughout the construction industry. 

Gas monitoring systems work by identifying the presence of gas through its chemical makeup. Typically, these systems are able to identify gasses with just a few percent quantities in the air quality. 

A typical gas monitoring system will include a variety of sensors that are located around the site where the gas is most likely to be released. These sensors are typically wireless so they can easily be placed in hard to access areas. 

These sensors are critical in mining sites, as methane is one of the most common gasses that people encounter on a day to day basis. Methane can be found all over the world and it poses serious health risks if not monitored correctly. A gas monitoring system will provide an early warning for all workers on-site so that they can evacuate the area if required.

Gas monitoring systems are crucial for reducing risks in several industries. Gas can be harmful to our health and potentially flammable. Without these systems in place, it may be impossible to detect the presence of odorless gasses that could potentially cause a catastrophe. 

Our monitor offers a cost-effective way that you can monitor for gas in a confined area. It is durable and affordable with a temperature range capable of operating in any mining site worldwide. 

Our monitor is compatible with our wireless systems and allows users to quickly detect the presence of gas in an area where people are working or living. It’s fairly easy to add devices into your system, giving you great flexibility when it comes to making your monitoring network. 

Our systems deliver an immediate notification on your smart device and an immediate alarm. These notifications can be customized to suit your needs and are easily configurable across multiple devices. This means you can protect all of your workers, even if they are at different job sites throughout the day. 

Our Bluetooth technology transmits data to any compatible device to offer you reporting and a list of hazardous levels so that you can address the problem.

Whether you need to monitor methane or any other gas, our fixed monitor offers an affordable solution that is simple and effective. Contact us to find out more about how we can help you with your gas monitoring needs. Our team is ready to help you safely protect your work site from a gas leak or potential emergency with the proper monitoring tools!

Leaky Feeder Cable Specifications

kristian Leaky Feeder Systems
Leaky Feeder Cable Specifications

We often receive questions regarding the nature of our leaky feeder cable installations. Becker SMC Low loss leaky feeder lines are built to last and designed with the best in power generation on the market today. We install the finest in insulation as well as ensure that all leaky feeder lines are built beyond the specifications of our customer. The technical Leaky Feeder Cable Specifications include an incredible impedance of 50+2 ohms and capacitance of 76 PFm. Insulation resistance is rated at 5000 MHOM.Km and the velocity of propagation is 86%. The quality of these leaky feeder systems ensures a better level of electricity signals in underground mining sites as well as improved levels of communication in underground mining. Leaky feeder systems are responsible for running communication as well as for running the crucial power systems in any mine. With the help of these quality leaky feeder systems and the insulation values of these systems, you can ensure top safety and improvements to mine site safety.

These leaky feeder systems were built for mining sites and designed with a jacket start of each kilovolt insulation voltage. The power generation in these devices is accomplished through a 4.8 mm copper clad aluminum wire and the 13.8 mm corrugated copper tube slot in a milled to row fashion. 

Leaky feeder cable systems have an attenuation of 20°C and a minimum bending radius of up to 50 mm. With improved tensile strength of 3.10, these are cables that you can truly depend on in any mining site and to work around any type of heavy equipment. Improve level of insulation and the maximized tensile strength offer the best in tough operations. 

As well as offering a superior level of insulation, conductivity and strength, Becker SMC offers customizable solutions when it comes to your roll length. Contact our customer service department to request any size roll length, with standard rolls available in 500 m, 350 m, 305 m and more. We can ensure you have the perfect cable to meet the needs of your mining site and the ideal lengths to suit any type of job.

The outer jacket is a 15.7 mm PE blackor collagen free construction. This integrates well into any mining site and offers a superior level of protection for any type of mining assets. When choosing this type of leaky feeder cabling system, you can ensure that it has been properly tested and designed to suit any style of mining site from above ground to deep underground mining. Our leaky feeder system has been placed in hundreds of mines across the world and we regularly innovate with our products to ensure that we are offering the absolute best quality of leaky feeder cabling to our customers.

If you’re interested in upgrading your communication or mine site electronics, or learning more about leaky feeder cable specifications contact our staff today to learn more. We can share the details on our full low loss leaky feeder cable system and how it could benefit your mining site.