Types of Industrial Gas Detectors

Many industries use different types of industrial gas detectors, including mining, refining, and petroleum extraction. They are essential for the safety of your employees and the organization.
It can be difficult to choose the right detector for your company. There are many technologies available, each operating under different principles and each having different strengths and weaknesses.
Here is a brief overview of some of the most popular types of industrial gas detectors. It also includes a description of their operation and the best conditions for them to work.
Industrial Gas Detectors – Pellistor/Catalytic Bead
These detectors measure combustible gas concentrations at lower explosive levels (LEL) using catalytic combustion.
This sensor is almost a century old and measures the temperature difference between two beads, one inert and one coated with a chemical catalyst. The catalyst heats up more when they are heated.
They can react to many flammable gases including methane and butane, as well as carbon monoxide. They can still be poisoned if they are exposed to high levels of combustible and flammable gases. These detectors can also give inaccurate readings for other gases if they are calibrated only to one gas. These sensors are best suited for the detection of hydrocarbon gas, hydrogen, or acetylene in extreme temperatures or humidity.
Industrial Gas Sensors – Point/Non-Dispersive infrared (PIR/NDIR)
Two wavelengths are measured and compared by infrared industrial gas detectors. One is at the active wavelength of the gas and the other is at the reference wavelength.
These gas detectors are excellent for detecting hydrocarbon gasses, particularly in low-oxygen environments. These gas detectors are also useful for detecting high levels of silicones, hydroid gases, and halogenated hydrogens. The sensors are not designed to detect hydrogen, but they can be used in areas where it is present.
Open Path Infrared Sensors for Industrial Gas Sensors
The operation of open-path infrared gas detectors is similar to that of Point Infrared detectors. However, their detection path can be extended to more than 100 meters. These detectors can detect large and small gas leaks in both the LIL-m or ppm-m ranges.
This industrial gas detector is best suited for hydrocarbon gases, silicones, and halogenated hydrocarbons.
Tunable/Enhanced Laser Diode Spectroscopy
These gas detectors use a sensor laser optical technology to recognize and analyze a gas’s harmonic fingerprint. The Enhanced Laser Diode Spectroscopy sensors are able to work in open-path.
They are more reliable than other sensors because they don’t give false alarms from interference gases. The highly selective technology detects each gas’ unique harmonic fingerprint. Because they are optical devices, they are immune to poisoning.
Enhanced Laser Diode Spectroscopy (ELDS) detectors are similar to OPIR detectors. They work best in open areas. The sensor’s detectability will be affected by any noise from the light source or optical system. They can detect methane, water vapor, and other gases.
Electrochemical (EC), Industrial Gas Detectors
An electrochemical gas detector converts gas concentrations into electrical currents. The gas is diffused through a membrane and then comes in contact with an electrode. It is then oxidized. The electrochemical reaction produces an electric current that flows through the external circuit.
External circuit measures and amplifies signal processing functions, and reports the reading to the user. There are many types of cells that can detect hazardous gases such as hydrogen sulfide and carbon monoxide.
The best electrochemical gas detectors are used to detect hazardous gases in the ppm or in spaces with oxygen enrichment or deficiency.
Contact Us
Different types of industrial gas detectors can be used for portable or fixed detection. This allows you to satisfy a variety of user requirements. You need to understand the strengths and limitations of each type of industrial gas detector before you can choose the best one for your environment. This will allow you to choose the right one for your workplace and employees. By choosing the Becker Wholesale Mine Supply gas detector, you can count on a device that is both accurate and reliable. Please call us today.