The Beckercom leaky feeder allows miners to access underground communications in the mine using standard two-way radios, significantly increasing safety and productivity. The leaky feeder system permits the control and monitoring of electrical equipment, such as pumps and fans. The Intrinsically Secure I.S. When used with the Becker I.S., the Leaky Feeder can provide 100% coverage for underground mines. Two-way portable radio.
This system provides seamless two-way communication throughout underground tunnels or mines. Leaky feeder antenna cables are used to achieve this. The radio signals from Head End, which are usually located at the surface, are transmitted underground via the leaky feeder cables. The signal can also be easily retransmitted on the surface and can cover several kilometers.
Coaxial cable was designed to retain as much signal as possible and block external signals. Leaky Feeder cables are designed to leak or radiate radio signals out and allow signals in from remote radio transceivers located within 50-200 meters of the Leaky Feeder Cable. Line Amplifiers or boosters are installed along with the Leaky feeder cable runs, nominally every 350m. They help sustain signal levels over long distances.
Certified Becker communication engineers design leaky feeder systems in consultation with customers and meet all compliance requirements.
As a mine grows, leaky Feeder cables will need to be repaired and extended. It is important to make quick connections and repairs in order to minimize downtime and ensure reliable operations. These requirements can be met by the Becker splice device. Line splices are used to join two sections together, where signal amplification does not apply, or to repair damaged sections. To properly terminate the system, line terminations are placed at the Leaky Feeder cables.
TWO-WAY RADIO: The Becker UHF is intrinsically secure I.S. Portable radios offer versatility and reliability in a small and rugged package.
If you are looking to purchase a leaky feeder system to access underground communications for your underground mining operation contact us today!