Communication in Mining: Latest Innovations

Leaky feeder systems offer some of the most reliable forms of communication in mining staff over long distances. These systems include a wired and wireless communication system built through a coaxial cable. Outer shielding moved away along the path ensures that a radio signal can leak in and out and transmit over long distances. Various signal repeaters and antennas can boost the level of signal and offer greater advantages to large mining sites.
Leaky feeder systems essentially act as a large antenna for devices to receive signals across long distances. In mining sites it is easier to speak to individuals on the surface using one of these state-of-the-art communication systems. The system can also include two-way radios and telephone consoles.
Offers Communication and Safety
Incorporating a leaky feeder system into a mining site can offer the chance for a variety of communication tools as well as safety solutions. Leaky feeder systems can integrate with text and voice communication along the amplifier system and improve safety through emergency alarms. Various alarms systems including proximity alerts, gas monitoring and. To increase safety controls, you can place sensors throughout your system.
Leaky feeder systems require bidirectional line amplifiers to maintain signal levels. These can be used similar to a modem or Gateway. These devices will increase the bandwidth and provide a consistent performance along the system as it expands.
These devices can support data and voice transmission with the chance for wireless and wired interconnectivity along the lines. The availability of local and remote diagnostics allows for easy maintenance and monitoring of amplifier status throughout the operation.
Longer Range of Communication
Leaky feeder systems provide some of the best communications in difficult environments. Installing one of the systems throughout your mining site could be a huge benefit for your company. It can improve safety and efficiency in daily operations. As both internal and underground mining solutions, this coaxial cable can move with your mining site and expand as you continue mining operations. No matter what size your mining site may be, integrating a leaky feeder system early on is a great solution for future investment.
Leaky feeder systems are only getting better with their levels of integration. This technology is a new standard in mining and allows for the integration of tens to thousands of products into the leaky feeder system. It also provides safety improvements and base communication adaptations. These systems can include new data recording systems and sensors to help analyze incidents, improve efficiency and reduce collision detection. These networks provide historical data and can help to improve operations in all areas of the mine site.
Contact Us
Whether you’re interested in managing better airflow through advanced gas monitoring or you need support for better data collection, your leaky feeder tool integration can be customized to build on the goals of your mining site.
If you’re interested in learning more about the best new technology in leaky feeder systems, contact Becker Wholesale Mine Supply today.